
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday Words of Encouragement March 28, 2021

This morning our church service opened with prayers for loss of a brother in Christ who passed after long time Cancer battle with other complications. I am also praying for an elder sister who has been placed in rehabilitation after falling and breaking her hip. With limited visitation still in place this is causing her great confusions. On a cheerier note we sang Happy Birthday to celebrate our Pastor’s upcoming birthday. (I sing along with the video.)

Pastor continued with his Crash & Burn series. Previous messages noted that sin messed up the world a long time ago. Today people are hurting: families are dysfunctional, people on drugs, financial stresses both personal and for our country, political divisions, racial tensions, violence, cancel culture, moving away from Christian foundations. Christ followers have changed our citizenship to Heaven. Our mission is to carry the Good New to all people. God goes with us!

There are times when we experience the joy of volunteering and helping others. Physially, personally or through financial gifts. Last week's Point: The same power that was given to the Disciples to build the world in a messed-up world, is the same power given to us to build the church in a messed-up world.

We are equipped for certain circumstances. ‘Each of you has been given a spiritual gift; use them well to serve one another.’ 1 Peter 4:10-11.

THE POINT: The Church will be effective in our messed-up world when every person uses their spiritual gift to serve.

The Church will be less effective when we aren’t using our gifts to serve.

Satan will lie to you saying you have no gift, you wasted your gift, you really can’t do that, you need to make room for others to serve in that capacity… LIES.

We have been created to be more than we can imagine. God made us Marvelous! Psalm 139:13-16. Whatever gift we are given we have a choice of what to do with it. Our gifts may change from time to time.

Are we using our spiritual gifts well to serve others?? Is you spiritual gift ‘playing possum’ – playing dead because of hurricane (or other traumatic) disruption then Covid isolation? It is time to begin to use our spiritual gift again!

There are 24 spiritual gifts set out in the Bible. You have at least one, and you are expected to use it.
Do you know what your gift is? What is holding you back? Disobedience; a season break or new way of life?

If you are not using your gift well, then take these steps:
    Ask for forgiveness.
    Discover your gift & how God can use you.
    Use it to serve.

Pray: “God, I am here, use me how You need me. Holy Spirit – unlock Your spiritual gifts in me. Help me to understand what it is. Help me to use it for You!

I had a different song I found but then I found this one which I chose to share today:

Verses for Today:
1 Peter 4:10-11 (NIV)
10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.


Jayme Hull on Twitter: "Have you identified the gifts the Lord has given to  you? God gives us gifts to use to bless others. When was the last time you  used your

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