
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Audio Book Review: The Golden Day by Ursula Dubosarsky

This is a beautifully written, unusual mystery story.
by Ursula Dubosarsky
narrated by Kate Rudd


Length: 3.75 hrs.
Release date: 08-06-13
(Candlewick on Brilliance Audio)
Genre: Historical, Mystery, Thriller
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.25; Narration 4.25.

While participating in a field trip that a young class is told not to mention to anyone, their teacher disappears. What happened that day? And whom can the kids talk to? Kate Rudd has the perfect voice to narrate the innocence, wonder, and confusion of a classroom of young girls as they try to figure out what has happened to their teacher. Rudd’s emotional narration captures the girls’ worry and sense of a world gone awry. The novel crafts subtle tension, and Rudd's voice crafts a tone to match as the story unfolds. Her narration builds just the right amount of suspense in a sophisticated thriller that leaves listeners wondering what they believe about what happened.
S.B.T. © AudioFile 2013, Portland, Maine [Published: SEPTEMBER 2013]

The morning started with a hanging. The young teacher of a class of eleven young girls tells them about the event and then announces they are going to the park to contemplate death. The girls are excited to be out on a secret field trip with their lively teacher. They visit the park where there is a mysterious poet. Then their teacher meets up with a workman who leads them all on an adventure into the seaside caves. The girls get frightened in the dark cave and lead each other out the way they went in. But their teacher doesn’t come out. What happened to her?

Initially the girls won’t speak to the headmistress or the substitute teacher as they were told not to tell anyone about the field trip. Finally, the school counselor interviews the one child who bursts into tears at the slightest upset. All the others know that she will tell where they went. But they still can’t find the teacher.

The prose in this little piece is beautiful. The mystery and intrigue are carried through to the twist at the end. I am very glad that I got this title through the SYNC program. Sometimes they share some real gems! I recommend this to those who enjoy lovely prose and or a quick mystery.

Audio Notes: Kate Rudd does a beautiful job with the narration. Her presentation carried the mood and enhanced the experience.

Source: SYNC Week 8: June 13 – June 20, 2019. This qualifies for 2021TBR, 2021Audiobook, 2021Alphabet Audio and 2021Color goals.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds unusual. I was thinking of the girl who cries! there is always someone who will tell it all.


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