
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sunday Post July 8, 2018/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday July 9, 2018

Sunday Post #318 Chairs, Compliance, and Storms
I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading now at The Book Date.
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

This has been a busy week. We had a quiet 4th although we had both our country's BD and my husband's to celebrate! He was glad I stayed home from work. I spent the morning pulling weeds in the backyard. Then most of the afternoon packing clothes from my closet. Hubby put on Facebook to be careful of leaving clothes too long in the closet because they apparently shrink. Ha Ha!

We've had some rain to help cool down the 90+ temps. I'm praying for all those facing fires, as well as the rescue of the children in Taiwan.

My reading was good this week. I finished four books: 2 Audibles, 1 print and 1 ebook. I posted two reviews on the blog and one at Goodreads. I did get to all of my usual memes plus some challenge updates.

I visited only 19 blogs again last week.
Shout Out this week to Absolute Shannonigans - cute play on name.
Thank you to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
  • ATBR- Audible Book Review: Heartless by Mary Balogh; Historical Romance; my rating 4.5; Narration 5.0.
  • Goodreads Review ATBR- Trackers (Trackers, #1) by Nicholas Sansbury Smith; Fantasy, Post Apocalyptic, Sci Fi; my rating 4.0; Narration and Overall 3.5.
  • ATBR- Audible Book Review: Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire; Urban Fantasy; my rating Story and Audio: 3.75 of 5.0.
Finished Reading:
1. Audible/Smartphone (TBR)
Heartless audiobook cover art

By: Mary Balogh
Narrated by: Rosalyn Landor
Series: Georgian (Balogh), Book 1
Length: 14 hrs and 3 mins
I love this author and enjoyed this. My review is linked abore.
Source: 2016 Audible Sale Purchase.
Click on book title for full description.

2. Print (LBCTBR)

The Letters (The Inn at Eagle Hill Book #1): A Novel
by Suzanne Woods Fisher
This is a delightful read.
Source: 2013 print copy;  2016 Kindle. 
This is for Ladies Book Club discussion July 14.
I'll post my review with giveaway then.
Click on book title for full description.

3. Audible/Smartphone (TBR)

Discount Armageddon
InCryptid, Book 1
By: Seanan McGuire
Narrated by: Emily Bauer
Series: InCryptid, Book 1
Length: 11 hrs and 20 mins
I thought I might like this "monster-hunter" fantasy but it didn't pull me in. My review is linked above.
Source: 2016 Audible Credit Purchase after I saw this at Book Haven.
Click on book title for full description.

4. eBook/Kindle (2017 NetGalley)

The After War: (Book One of The After War Series)
by Brandon Zenner
This is a very engaging post apocalyptic story.
I'll post my review next week.
Source: 2017 NetGalley.
Click on book title for full description.

Currently Reading:
1. Audible/Smartphone (2018Audible)

Home Invasion
The Survivalist Series, Book 8
By: A. American
Narrated by: Duke Fontaine
Series: Survivalist, Book 8
Length: 9 hrs and 42 mins
I am working on 2018 Audible titles to fit my Alphabet challenge too.
This is a series I have liked. This is moving quickly.
Source: Audible Feb 2018 credit.
Publisher's Summary
Morgan and his extended family could see the light at the end of the tunnel, dim though it may be. There was the promise of power once again. The plant was being repaired, and it looked as though it may actually run. While it meant lots of hard, sweaty work, the reward was worth the investment. The farm was growing strong, and community involvement was good. People were finally coming to terms with the fact that they needed to work together. So far Mother Nature had been on their side. But that, too, was about to change.
There was no shortage of problems. There were those in town with their own plans. And those plans did not include Sheriff Morgan Carter. For the most part, Morgan ignored the issue, thinking it would simply go away. But that was not to be. He would have to face it head on, and it just may cost him his life. As serious as the issues in town were, there were other much larger problems brewing. These were beyond his control. They were beyond the control of the entire community, even if they were banded together. And Morgan would not be able to simply ignore them either. There were forces converging on Central Florida that would bring back the uncertainty that only recently appeared to be vanquished. Only this time it would be far worse than a rogue band of federal agents. War was coming, and with it death. It would test them all.
©2017 A. American (P)2017 Podium Publishing

2. eBook/Kindle (NGTBR)

The Year of the Knife
by G.D. Penman
This urban fantasy mystery is one of 
my older NetGalley titles.
Source: NetGalley 2017.
"An addictive blend of magic and murder noir." -Gareth L. Powell, BSFA award-winning author of Ack-Ack Macaque
Agent "Sully" Sullivan is one of the top cops in the Imperial Bureau of Investigation. A veteran witch of the British Empire who isn’t afraid to use her magical skills to crack a case. But Sully might need more than a good education and raw power to stop the string of grisly murders that have been springing up across the American Colonies. Every one of them marked by the same chilling calling card, a warning in the form of a legion of voices screaming out through the killers' mouths: "It IS tHe YEAr oF the KNife."
Sully’s investigation will drag her away from the comforts of home in New Amsterdam, the beautiful but useless hyacinth macaw that used to be her boss, and the loving arms of her undead girlfriend, in a thrilling race against time, demonic forces and a shadowy conspiracy that will do anything to keep its hold on power and ensure that Sully takes their secrets to her grave, as soon as possible.
G.D. Penman’s imaginative The Year of the Knife is a fun, fast-paced urban fantasy mystery with an engaging set of characters, most notably Agent Sully of the Imperial Bureau of Investigation.

3. Audible/MP3 then Smartphone (2018Audible)
Frankenstein: Prodigal Son audiobook cover art

Frankenstein: Prodigal Son
By: Dean Koontz
Narrated by: Christopher Lane
Series: Frankenstein, Book 1
Length: 9 hrs and 3 mins
This is another 2018 Audible title to fit my Alphabet challenge too.
Koontz is the author of one of my favorite time travel titles: Lightning.
Source: Audible Daily Deal $3.95 6/3/2018.
Publisher's Summary
From the celebrated imagination of Dean Koontz comes a powerful reworking of one of the classic stories of all time. If you think you know the legend, you know only half the truth. Here is the mystery, the myth, the terror, and the magic of...
Every city has its secrets. But none as terrible as this. He is Deucalion, a tattooed man of mysterious origin, a sleight-of-reality artist who has traveled the centuries with a secret worse than death. He arrives in New Orleans as a serial killer stalks the streets, a killer who carefully selects his victims for the humanity that is missing in himself. Deucalion's path will lead him to cool, tough police detective Carson O'Connor and her devoted partner, Michael Maddison, who are tracking the slayer but will soon discover signs of something far more terrifying: an entire race of killers who are much more - and less - than human and, deadliest of all, their deranged, near-immortal maker: Victor Helios - once known as Frankenstein.
©2005 Dean Koontz (P)2017 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

I am likely to pick up another audio before the week is over. We'll see.

July 8, 2018 - I am still enjoying the prayer app which gives me five prayer groups each morning! I continue on track with my morning reading the One Year Bible plan on my smartphone. You can check out audio of the One Year Bible Plan on the companion commentary online.

I completed 4 books and 3 reviews. This gets me to just 2 reviews dues. 
I added some books this week but still need to find time to add more to Goodreads, Amazon and Audible.
My NetGalley shelf is at 11; I still have one more author title in queue. Still many through InstaFreebie and many new author requests I haven't replied to.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.

Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit and (yours truly). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
I picked up two new review books at NetGalley.
I won 8 books from!
Then I picked up 4 books on Audible sale and my two June credit selections.
I also got the SYNC Audios this week.
I resisted all the Audible daily deal titles and kindle bargain deals.

I did pick up some free kindle titles this week. (Note these are in my Amazon library, NOT on my Kindle until I download and transfer them.)
Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles
I selected two "Read Now" titles at NetGalley:

Jack Gilmour: Wish Lawyer
by Ed Ryder
"Don’t be careful what you wish for, be certain!"
by Dennis Worden and Jeff Dunn
"We are not promised more than today. Thus we need to live our legacy now,with focus and integrity."

7/5/2018 I won 8 audiobooks!
Thanks to Beth Fish at Beth Fish Reads and
Celebrating June Is Audiobook Month 2018

7/5/18 Two Audible Credits:
River of Bones audiobook cover artRiver of Bones
Destroyermen Series, Book 13
By: Taylor Anderson
Narrated by: William Dufris
Length: 17 hrs and 59 mins
Release date: 07-10-18 - I really enjoy this series and I'm looking forward to this.

The Shape of Water audiobook cover artThe Shape of Water 
By: Guillermo del Toro, Daniel Kraus
Narrated by: Jenna Lamia
Length: 13 hrs and 27 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 03-06-18 -- I wanted to listen to this before I see the movie.

Audible Sale: four at $5.95 each
NevernightNeverwhereThe Accidental PresidentThe Last Wish
The Nevernight Chronicle, Book 1
By: Jay Kristoff
Narrated by: Holter Graham
Series: The Nevernight Chronicle, Book 1
Length: 20 hrs and 11 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 08-09-16 -- This fantasy sounded like one I would like; I seem to like young assassins.

By: Neil Gaiman
Narrated by: Neil Gaiman
Length: 13 hrs and 48 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 04-11-17 -- I would likely have picked this up at some point so I got it now on sale.

The Accidental President
Harry S. Truman and the Four Months That Changed the World
By: A. J. Baime
Narrated by: Tony Messano
Length: 14 hrs and 21 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 10-24-17 -- The title caught my eye and I like to pick up historical titles now and then.

The Last Wish
By: Andrzej Sapkowski
Narrated by: Peter Kenny
Series: The Witcher Saga
Length: 10 hrs and 17 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 05-05-15 -- Another monster hunter/assassin tale.

I have not yet downloaded week 11 SYNC audio titles:
The Invisible Girls by Sarah Thebarge Read by Kirsten Potter
Girls Like Us by Gail Giles Read by Lauren Ezzo, Brittany Pressley

I added 73 free titles to my Kindle library this week.  Titles found linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.


  1. I enjoyed Bring Me Back. Have a great week with your new books, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Happy birthday to your husband! I had a chill 4th, too. Just books, food, and fireworks. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. I have Heartless in my wish list at Audible and seeing your review for it makes it a surety for me to listen to at some point. Hmm a little more sexual spice than you normally like, and that's unusual I think for Mary Balogh who is usually fairly decorous. Oh well seems to have good things going for it besides.

  4. Congrats on the audiobooks win! What a great prize. Enjoy!

  5. Wow, what a great win! I hope you have another great week in books.

  6. Congrats on the audiobooks win!!

    That is amazing.

    ENJOY your week and all of your books.

  7. Grateful for the answered prayers of rescue !

    Congrats on your multiple wins - whoop! Time for you to get back what you're so generous in offering, my friend ;)

  8. Wow, that's a lot of books. Enjoy

  9. Personally I am not a fan of audio books, but an 8 book win is some achievement, so well done! and enjoy your spoils :)

    'Bring Me Back' by B.A. Paris, the Kindle copy, is definitely heading for my list, I got shivers down my spine just from reading the premise!

    Enjoy the rest of your week and Happy Reading and Listening :)


  10. LOL at hubby. We seem to be having that issue with my closets, too! Glad yall had a good holiday :)


Your comments are always appreciated!