
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sharing Beyond Books #207 Comment Giveaway June 13, 2015

Hello again on Saturday night and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB!

I am a little more rested today - glad that the last two weeks at work are behind me.

Thanks to everyone who commented last week.
Mystica's tough childhood taught her to get things done herself. Meredith thought her curiosity as a child helped with her love of learning. Poetryinleaves thinks it does help to have someone push you along. Becky learned young that it is easier to learn subjects you are interested in.
But most everyone pretty much agreed that if you love to learn then you will learn and push yourself naturally to the best you can. So it would seem that it may be an innate quality we are born with.


The regular Winner from SBB #206 comments is: #5 Rita who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the Updated ARC/Review titles or (not yet updated) Love titles - all linked near the end of the post. I'm hoping to update the book choices this week. Please let me know your choice by completing the (new) WINNER FORM.

WEEK #207 (One Question.)

nrlymrtl asks: Q1 If you had to run an obstacle course, which fictional characters would you choose to compete against??
A: This is a fun question. When I was young I would have been all gung ho for an obstacle course, maybe even a race.  If I had to do one at my age I would be glad if I could just get through a simple course. So I would pick Miss Marple or Jessica Fletcher (Angela Lansbury) of Murder she wrote to compete against. Either one might be up to the challenge but I might have a slight advantage in age!

I'm not sure this all the obstacles on this are big enough for me to fit but it looks simple enough.
Image found at

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! We still have a supply of questions but from the same people so hopefully others will send more in -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify to use.

Your turn to share:
nrlymrtl asks: Q1 If you had to run an obstacle course, which fictional characters would you choose to compete against??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the  Valentine and "Love" books or the February 2015 Newly Updated ARC/Review List. (My daughter pulled several of the Christmas titles to give with gift bags we made up for the nursing homes. One of these days I will get together a new box of Christmas titles.)

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on either of the two questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday June 20, 2015 at 5 PM  central.


  1. It is a fun question. I have to go with The Fellowship of the Rings. They broke up and took different paths, but for the most part made it to the end.

  2. I'd like Barbara Travers Sergeant extraordinaire from the Elizabeth George series to have as a competitor.

  3. i'm bad at sport so i do like your answer of fessica flechter it could be the only opportunity i have to win ( would be different if i had to choose a partner )

  4. I'm brave and would take on Katniss. LOL
    Congrats, Rita!

  5. I would choose the Seven Dwarfs, I may have a chance at winning. lol

  6. I'm not sure if I'd have a chance against anyone in an obstacle course. Maybe a sex hero type so I'd have something nice to watch while I tried--and there are way too many to name.

  7. I would choose Hannah Swensen from Joanne Fluke's series.

  8. Maybe the ladies from the Animal Magnetism book series.

  9. I remember a character from way back named Charlie Weaver. Seems like maybe I could beat him!

  10. Eve Duncan, a woman in Iris Johansen's books. She would be a good opponent.

  11. I'll make it fun and pick Cormoran Strike?

  12. Really enjoyed your answer, Martha. I'm about in that same place - especially when the RA is in flareup! so for Q1 If you had to run an obstacle course, which fictional characters would you choose to compete against?? I'd choose one as you've pictured and maybe the absent minded professor who would get distracted enough for me to complete it !! :)

  13. I would choose Jim Qwilleran from The Cat Who.. series---I think he's about as slow as I am.

  14. My own fictional character, if I were to write a story. Then I can say, "Out of kindness that I made you, you must let me win."


Your comments are always appreciated!