
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday Words of Encouragement December 22, 2013

[As noted - I am sharing e a bit of advent messages during this beautiful season along with songs from our choir program.]

ADVENT WEEK FOUR celebrates The Nativity... a choice is made, a gift given and God becomes Emmanuel -- God with us, God made man to show us His presence and provide the final bridge from the darkness to the light.

The four weeks of the Discerning Advent program with podcasts are shared and available online and through email at God in All Things.

Advent Candles 1Week Four :: The Nativity
The God-made-flesh became all things to all people. And his incarnation means our very choices are made sacred. Discernment is a process of incarnation, a letting God in. The nativity reminded us that God has already been here, been involved intimately in our lives—and it wasn’t going to stop.

We had a lovely Christmas service this morning.

This is a medley from our choir Christmas program.
I could not find the song I had in mind but this is a good choice too.

A Verse for Today:
Isaiah 9:6
    For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Well - other than early gifts (mailed late) and some stocking gifts (now purchased) I am abandoning all pretense at preparation for the commercial part of Christmas. And I think that is just as well. My DH and I are focusing on family time, perhaps a Christmas Eve service, and recognizing the true reason to celebrate - Christ came to live with us and die for us. Thank you to our triune God!

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