
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sharing Beyond Books #131 Comment + Special Giveaway 12/21/13

Hello again on Saturday night and Welcome to SBB, Sharing Beyond Books.
Thanks to everyone who commented last week.

Happy Winter Solstice! Here I sit tonight - no fire needed as it is warm again. Hope it gets a little cooler again for Christmas.

The number one hard thing or late thing for commenters this year is sending cards with six people mentioning that. Three mentioned everything is difficult this season; two said trees and a few other items like mailing gifts (we were late too) and planning Christmas dinner. Only two people feel fully prepared - lucky folks. :-)

Thirteen people will be giving books for gifts to family members from moms to great nephews. Two said "maybe" they will give books and two said no.

The Winner from SBB #130 comments is: #4 Sue who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the ARC/Review titles, Christmas titles or Love titles - all linked near the end of the post.  Please let me know your choice by completing the (new) WINNER FORM.

WEEK #131

Q1. Margaret asks: If you drink tea, which herbal tea is your favorite??
A: I enjoy various teas - different flavors for different moods. I most prefer Earl Grey and Breakfast Blend - usually decaf. I think my favorite herbal tea is Mandarin Orange although I do enjoy getting a variety pack to try other flavors.
Image found at itsallisonbtch.

Q2. ElizabethL poses a book question: What book are you looking forward to for the new year??
A: I had a third book in a trilogy I was looking forward to until I saw the less than favorable reviews. Now I am totally undecided what book to make my first read in 2014.  I am pretty sure it is going to be The Harbinger which I have been looking forward to for some time. I am also looking forward to reading the Four Blood Moons early in 2014. Other than those - I always look forward to many books! :-)  BTW - please see special Giveaway below regarding this!!
Image found at Pages of Forbidden Love.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! We are getting low on questions so hopefully you will send more in -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify to use. 

Your turn to share:

Q1. Margaret asks: If you drink tea which herbal tea is your favorite??

Q2. ElizabethL poses a book question: What book are you looking forward to for the new year??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Valentine and "Love" books , the Christmas Giveaway Books, or the June 2012 Newly Updated ARC/Review List.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on either of the two questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, December 27, 2013 at 10 PM central.

In addition to the usual giveaway I have a special Giveaway to add: I plan to pick a winner from all those who share a title that they are looking forward to reading in 2014. If the winner has not yet purchased the book I will purchase it for them as a gift. If they already have the book then I will send a GC for the price of the book (up to a reasonable amount - up to $20.00). So let me hear what books you want!!
Winner to be selected 12/27/13 at 10PM central.


  1. I like green tea or oolong tea.
    Concerning reading a book in 2014, I would like to read Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews (Bk 2 Kate Daniels series). Recently, I read the first book and was waiting to see if the books will go on sale on Amazon (e books).

  2. hi Martha!
    thank you so much for this and the special giveaway!

    so which herbal tea is my favourite? i absolutely don't know i LOVE tea but i change depending on the moment of the day and also my mood for example i've got a tea from malta that i can only drink for breakfast, also i have tea infusion when i'm sick but usually all tea are good for me

    2)which book i want to read in the new year?apart the books i've asked and await anxiously for ( those will be read as soon as they arrive so i hope before 2014^^;;;)i really want to read Dead Embers by TG Ayers or Valkyrie Rising by Ingrid Paulson ( guess i'm full Norse Mythology to starrt the new year^^)...dead embers is really my priority because i missed it several time ( each time i could afford it it was "currently unavilble" just to get back available when the person wth teh bankcard was too busy to come^^;; and after the cliffhanger in book 1 i need to read it as soon as possible!

    thank you so much for your generosity

    Merry Christmas!!

  3. 1. My absolute favorite herbal is Lime Surprise from SBS Teas.
    2. Not really sure.

  4. 1. My favorite tea is apple-cinnamon. :)

    2. I'm looking forward to reading Then Came You and Once in a Lifetime, by Jill Shalvis.

  5. I enjoy drinking a variety of teas. One of my favorites is orange spice.
    I am looking forward to reading The King by J.R. Ward. I love her Black Dagger Brotherhood Series.
    Thanks for the great giveaway. Merry Christmas!

  6. I don't drink tea.
    First Love by James Patterson sounds good.

  7. 1. I do enjoy herbal tea. I like the fruity flavors like peach. One of my favorites is ginger & lemon.

    2. I'm looking forward to reading "The Painter's Apprentice" by Charlotte Betts. It's the sequel to " The Apothecary's Daughter".

  8. Merry Christmas, everyone!! :)

    Q1. I love Red Rose Vanilla Biscotti Black Tea K-Cups for my Keurig. They are delicious, and I love that I don't have to add sugar or milk, they're just perfect. I can't wait to try their cinnamon roll ones! I like iced green tea that's fruity, like raspberry.

    Q2. I am really looking forward to Tempest in a Teapot (A Teapot Collector Mystery) by Amanda Cooper.

  9. 1. Green tea
    2. The Unbound - Victoria Schwab

  10. 1. I love green tea.
    2. I am looking forward to reading Teardrop by Lauren Kate.
    Happy Holidays!

  11. 1. Green Tea

    2. I'm looking forward to reading Ghost Lover by Liza O'Connor.

  12. 1. I only drink iced tea - I like peach and raspberry flavored. I can't stand hot tea so don't ever drink it.

    2. I want to read James Patterson's upcoming book First Love. It's a love story vs a murder mystery so will be different direction for him.

  13. I love tea! Recently I've been drinking a lot of lemon&ginger tea, because it's great for sore throats.

    I have so many books I'm looking forward to. I want to concentrate on continuing series, and the Dresden Files are at the top of my list with book #4 Summer Knight at the top of my list.

  14. Thanks for the special giveaway.
    I don't drink Herbal teas. I just like the English and Irish breakfast teas.

    As for the many books I look forward to reading in 2014, one is The K9ing by JR Ward. And the second book in Nora Roberts new trilogy. I finished Dark Witch and wait for book 2 in 2014. Then to finish the rest of Bella Andre's Sullivan series.

    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com


Your comments are always appreciated!