
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Words of Encouragement April 21, 2013

This morning we celebrated communion which is always a special time of worship.
Our Pastor's message was entitled "The Blood of Jesus."
Jesus came and died to redeem every part of our lives - physical and spiritual.
Pastor gave this message which I have summarized/outlined:
God's perfect number is 7 and there are seven ways that the Blood of Jesus redeems us.
1. The Garden - It was in the garden that Adam and Eve lost the one on one relationship with God. It was in a garden that Jesus chose to accept the sacrifice to redeem us to a one on one status. (Luke 22.)
2. His Stripes - Jesus suffered 39 stripes for our diseases and infirmities; scientific study has determined there are 39 root diseases.
3. Beaten and Bruised - He suffered for our iniquities - this was a sign of their hatred and a sign of His love for us. Through his internal bleeding our sins are covered.
4. Crown of Thorns- He accepted the crown of thorns as a King and one who is able to break the curse of poverty and give us blessings if we believe and accept Him and obey His word.
5. Spikes in Hands - The hands represent authority; the were shackled for a short time only. Now they provide freedom and victory. Gal 4:4-5
6. His Feet - He will always be with us; He will not leave or forsake us. Deut 31:6 and Matt 28:20.

7.  The Spear in His side - through the spear His blood ran free and He proclaimed:
"It is finished."

I started out thinking I would use Blessed Messiah, My Redeemer today 
but then I found this song:
Jesus Messiah and decided it fit with a communion day.
(Caution - some of the images may be disturbing.)

Verses for Today
Galatians 4:4-5 (NIV)
4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.

Thank you Lord for being my Redeemer, for bearing my diseases and infirmities and giving me healing. Thank you for covering my sins with your precious blood and for blessing me with provisions, freedom and the assurance that you are always there for me.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely Power in the Blood!
    probably done by Ashley Cleveland is my fave :)
    edgy and strong!
    thanks, Martha - powerful thoughts...


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