
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday Words of Encouragement July 3, 2011

First let me say Happy Independence day too to the Canadian who celebrated their Independence Day on July 1st. We I get wrapped up in our lives my life and don't always acknowledge the important things going on around the world.

This morning our Pastor gave a very interesting history of money, particularly paper money, in the United States. He described its beginnings in 1690, through printings in the 1700's and finally reaching the bills as we know them today which were designed and authorized in 1957 - not so long ago for some of us! These bill have a lot of symbolism in the seals and the words. Two important phrases are "In God We Trust" and "One Nation Under God."  Pastor concluded that we must be a nation whose phrase is "In God We STILL Trust."
Although I was greatly stirred by our singing of God Bless America this morning that is not the video/song I decided to post.
I actually have chosen two videos.  The first is a version of the American Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, which includes the second verse that we seldom think about or sing.

This second video is one I found particularly meaningful as I have been listening to my Bible verses in 2nd Kings. Continually the people in Israel and Judah refuse to listen and obey the messages and laws of God. Therefore God allowed them, His Chosen People, to be carried off in captivity to Assyria and Babylon. I am mindful of God's faithfulness, even when His people are not faithful. The verse selected for today is, in my opinion, a verse for America, as it was for the Israelites.
[Note if this video doesn't cooperate you can find the preview version at You Tube and scroll down for a link to the site where the video is located.]

In Their Own Words (4th of July Version)
Verse for Today:
2 Chronicles 7:14
New International Version (NIV)
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

This morning I am grateful for God's blessings which include my being born and living in a free nation that was founded on the moral principles of God. I pray that America may continue to trust in God and experience blessings under His authority.

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