
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sharing Beyond Books #3

Thanks for the comments! It is interesting that most of us do have eReaders and the largest number, 6, goes to Kindle owners. I will have to find out more about Ricki's Cruz Tablet. I bought a pc tablet last year which I had planned to use for editing. I wanted to have hand writing recognition but I the program did one letter at a time...I can type faster than that! I may break down and get an IPAD the next time I get a big fee.

Five of us like swimming and tubing is a water sport. :-) Two moms are busy with little league and the other's are varied. Birgit...I don't think eating ice cream qualifies as a sport though it is a grand summer activity! LOL. Dollycas' choice is different - NASCAR racing!

I enjoyed learning your capitals and it was funny that tooncesmom and Linda K commented one after another and they are in the same state although it sounds like they are at different ends.

The Winner from last week's comments is: #5 scottsgal. (I would like to visit the home of Abraham Lincoln!) There are still 9 'love' books to pick from and 9 Christmas choices. So scottsgal - please choose a book from the remaining Love Books List for Giveaway or remaining Christmas Giveaway Books and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #3 Questions
Q1. Do you have a favorite genre? Well if you are like me it is hard to pick one so let's pick top 3!
I read a variety of genres but I think that historical romance is still my #1 favorite. Maybe because I still prefer the sensual romance more than the sexual romance which seems more common in the contemporary tale. #2 is now is Dystopia/Steampunk and #3 Romantic Suspense
Here's an interesting site for old romance book covers!

Q2. I know we shared our temperatures in now it is time to share our June temperatures.
We have had a hot month. The High today was 100°F and the low is to be 73°F.  The current temperature on our porch has cooled to 80°F as we are having a thunder storm but that is okay because Florida desperately needs rain!

Q3. Because I have been wanting to share some book quotes - lets each share a favorite quote today.

This one is from Ceremony in Death by  J.D. Robb:
Eve Dallas meets a lawyer for a suspect she is interviewing and recognizes her from a ceremony she observed.
A lawyer witch, she mused. And wondered if that would be considered a redundancy.
Okay - it was a lawyer joke so it got my attention. :-)
Ceremony in Death

DON'T FORGET any of you might have good questions you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this  Suggested Question FormAt the beginning of each month I will draw from the suggestions I used the month before and that person will get a book choice or GC. 
No one made any suggestions in June so there is no book winner from June.

Your turn to share: 
1.  What are your top 3 favorite genres?
2.  What is your current temperature?
3.  Do you have a quote to share??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books - there are still about 17 books available to choose from plus 6 more summer title below.
Here are some Summer titles to choose from:

Secrets of a Summer Night (The Wallflowers, Book 1)Secrets of a Summer Night (The Wallflowers, Book 1)
The one I have is hardcover.

One Reckless Summer: A Destiny Novel 

This book is brand new, but will be gently
read if I get to read it!
Under the Boardwalk: A Dazzling Collection of All-New Summertime Love Stories (Sonnet Books)
Under the Boardwalk: A Dazzling Collection of All-New Summertime Love Stories (Sonnet Books)

My paperback is from 1999 and
has a beach image.

My copy is a paperback from 2006
with a different cover.
The Summerhouse

 Hmmm - this has a bit of magic in the plot.

A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles) 

I love Susan Wiggs historicals!
Six choices additional choices.

Rules: a) Must be a follower; b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, July 8 at 10PM central. 

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