
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Words of Encouragement January 21, 2024 - Take Your Place At the Wall!

I enjoyed our worship praise the morning and a wonderful sermon by our Pastor. Before the service he noted: “When we give and serve it is an act of worship. Be thankful in giving.”

Today Pastor taught on Nehemiah 3. I developed the title from my notes: Take Your Place At the Wall!

Nehemiah 3 starts by naming families working side by side all along the walls of the City. We all know that genealogies can be boring as we read the Bible. But they are part of inspired Scripture. Why is this important? The scripture here shows us that God notices everyone doing the work.

Nehemiah tells the story of rebuilding and reviving… restoration. Both the northern and southern kingdoms sinned and went into exile. Now God is having them return. God is in the business of restoration. Jerusalem has to be rebuilt to be part of the prophecy of Jesus riding into city.

Luke 2:19 tells believers to occupy until He returns. We are to be about His business which is important to remember as we go about whatever business He has called and prepared us to do in life. God wants a gorgeous, radiant church upon His return. Ephesians 5:27, Ephesians 3:20.

We - the local church and The Global Church - need rebuilding. We need to be a life growing church. Philippians 2:14-16. Christians are to be salt and light which are agents of change. The Church needs good seasoning. Peace and presence should be with the Christ followers and noticeable to those around them.

Serve as the Church, not just in the Church. We need to be getting the Church ready for the return of Christ, working towards Kingdom expansion. Make a list of those you want to find Jesus and pray for them.

Nehemiah had a mind and burden to rise up and build. The Church is stronger when each is doing their part of the work. Each person has a place to work. Each of us needs to take our place on the wall. Even at the Dung Gate. The body needs each part, including armpits. We each have unique gifts and placement.

God notices. He noticed the families working on the wall. He noticed the widow who gave her last two coins. He noticed the sacrificial gift of perfume by Mary Magellan.

The modern world today’s focus on consumerism is an obstacle to God’s work. We are to be servants and we need to “improve our serve” (Chuck Swindoll).

We serve by:

 Giving. The Church needs leaders and supplies.
 Encouraging; lifting up each other from the leaders to the janitor and the person who arranges the flowers – all tasks.
 Praying. Become an intercessor praying for each other.
 Prioritize your sacrifice. The Sheep Gate where sacrifice and worship occurred was the first area to be worked on. We are living sacrifice to be giving to God. Do it unto God.

God Notices. Serve. Build the Kingdom.

In Haggai 1:2 The Lord questions why the people rebuilt their homes first instead of the house of the Lord. The people were called to repair throughout Nehemiah 3. Sooner rebuild, sooner repair. Repair is to necessarily to restore but to fix and make strong.

The rebuilding will be greater than it was before. The glory of the latter house will v exceed the glory of the former. Haggai 2:9.

Our churches need to be about “presence” not presentation.

Do we want Him, His Kingdom, His glorious presence? Start with revival at home and beyond.

I like this video song for today: These Days by Jeremy Camp

Verses for Today
Nehemiah 3:4-5 NIV
4 Meremoth son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, repaired the next section. Next to him Meshullam son of Berekiah, the son of Meshezabel, made repairs, and next to him Zadok son of Baana also made repairs. 5 The next section was repaired by the men of Tekoa, but their nobles would not put their shoulders to the work under their supervisors.

Lord, guide me and help me take my place at the wall!

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