
Saturday, January 6, 2024

MarthaE Cooking #3

I have continued to cook through the holidays so here's what's been cookin' in my kitchen.
Before Christmas:

HelloFresh Tex-Mex Enchiladas.
Puff pastry Mini Cheesecakes, some plain and some with cherry topping.

I made package sugar cookies for Christmas too but forgot to take a picture. 
I gave them to the family in baggies as a stocking treat and they liked them enough to take the rest home!

Egg salad with avocado and cheese on the side.
I was surprised that I went to six cookbooks and could not find a recipe for simple egg salad. I ended up getting a recipe on line.

HelloFresh Chicken Sausage Spaghetti Bolognese
I made this Christmas Eve as a nod to my mother who always made a sausage dinner on Christmas Eve which could keep if my father was late doing his last minute Christmas shopping.

The Week after Christmas:
HelloFresh Sesame Soy Beef Bowl

HelloFresh Italian Chicken & Pepper Sandos

The cooking times are a bit longer for me since cooking is still new to me. But I am enjoying the time, creativity and good flavors. I am also learning cooking techniques and ingredients and seasonings. AND - I have lost eight pounds in the past month!

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