
Saturday, December 16, 2023

MarthaE Cooking #2

I had more cooking to do this week. First my two dinners (at least four meals for me).
Spicy Peruvian Chicken (includes Jalapeno) with fluffy rice. I didn't use as much Jalepeno as was available. Behind my bowl is the picture from the HelloFresh instructions. I need a wider bowl that will allow the rice bedding to be seen. 

Pub-Style Shepherd's Pie which made four portions for me instead of just two meals. This took a bit longer to cook for me but it is very tasty. 

I spent 5-6 hours on Saturday cooking. After making the Sheperd's Pie I did baking for a Woman's Club Cookies and Sweets Exchange on Sunday. This year I made Applesauce Oat Cookies...

and Ricotta and Jam Pastries.

I'm actually wondering if I should just make some regular sugar cookies. But I wouldn't have time to decorate them for tomorrow before the event.

Bon appétit!!

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