
Friday, February 10, 2023

Audible Book Review: Forging Zero: The Legend of ZERO by Sara King

This is a good space sci fi.
Forging Zero: The Legend of ZERO
By: Sara King
Narrated by: Liam Owen

Forging Zero  By  cover art

Series: Legend of ZERO, Book 1
Length: 21 hours and 54 minutes
Published: December 17, 2013 by Sara King
Genre: First Contact, Science Fiction, Space Exploration
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0 Overall; Story 4.25; Narration 4.25.

The Legend of Zero begins the epic journey of 14-year-old Joe Dobbs in a post-apocalyptic universe following a massive alien invasion of Earth. The oldest of the children drafted from humanity's devastated planet, Joe is impressed into service by the alien Congressional Ground Force - and becomes the unwitting centerpiece in a millennia-long alien struggle for independence.
Once his training begins, one of the elusive and prophetic Trith appears to give Joe a spine-chilling prophecy that the universe has been anticipating for millions of years: Joe will be the one to finally shatter the vast alien government known as Congress. And the Trith cannot lie. But first Joe has to make it through bootcamp.


Joe Dobbs accidentally got impressed into service by aliens who take children to train as expendable military forces. Joe is 14 which is above the age they take but he got pulled into the ship after he attacked the aliens. Bootcamp is hard. The alien troop leaders are pretty harsh and most of them would be glad to kill Joe in training. But one supervisor has received a prophesy that makes him think that Joe is part of the future to destroy the Congress government. This creates a quandary because he isn’t sure if he wants to allow Joe to fulfill the prophesy or just kill him now.

As the oldest of the captured children, Joe tends to take care of the younger kids. His small team of kids begins to look up to him and trust him to lead them safely. But at some point they are going to find out that he has kept his prophesy a secret and some may see that as a betrayal.

I did have a little confusion early in the story trying to figure out which of the aliens were good and which bad. I enjoyed the relationships that developed between the children. The level of growth in Joe’s personality, and reluctant determination to shield his team, was intriguing. Initially this seems like a good story for young people, but then it adds suffering, sexual content, and graphic violence that might not be comfortable for all readers. I became invested in the characters and was sad when they became disillusioned and separated.

The author tells the story from Joe’s view and the reader, like Joe, is unaware of a lot of the political intrigues that are going on. The last quarter of the book rushes forward in time, skipping a lot of the time during which Joe’s character and position change. This was a bit awkward and disappointing. The end leaves the door open for more adventures but I am sorry that the books are not available in audio format. It is less likely that I will continue with the series in digital. I recommend this to fans of first contact and space exploration stories.

Audio Notes:
I enjoyed the narration by Liam Owen. The voice and energy fit the characters for the most part – I’m not so sure there was strong distinction among the alien characters. I am very glad I had this on audio and wish the next in the series was available in audio format.

Source: 11/28/2016 Audible Sale. This qualifies for 2023TBR, 2023Audiobook, 2023Alphabet, and 2023Numbers goals.

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