
Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunday Words of Encouragement August 28, 2022 - Think and Practice Good Things

Our Sunday School lesson was focused on the wrath in Bowl 7, the destruction of Babylon – a world system. Revelation 16:17. We discussed the policies that are being sought that set parents against children and may give the schools the power to turn the parents in as abusers if they don’t support a child in gender transformation issues.

In all of this, the enemy is Satan seeking to deny and defy God. We see the enemy infiltration (and indoctrination) in government, politics, education, economics, health care, the entertainment industry, and social media. Christ followers may be saddened, and we may long for leaders who will make a change in our upside down, world. We cannot overcome God’s plan to handle this as He will. But we can pray, we can share the Good News of a future hope with others, we need to be in the Word of God so we are not deceived. The church needs to take a stand in prayer, in spiritual warfare, in peaceful example, and in resisting evil and deception.

Our church service started off with worship and then Child Dedication from an infant to teens. This represents a commitment by parents to raise their children under God’s truths and a commitment of the church to support the family.

Pastor continued his message on Spiritual Warfare from 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 and Ephesians 6:12. we struggle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers.

Satan attacks the minds of men. The enemy went after Jesus’ thoughts even as Satan goes after us. Matthew 4:1-11. Did God really say? Do you doubt? Jesus resisted each time with “It is written…” This comes from being in the Word, knowing the Word, and having it available to resist the temptations of the enemy.

We must know when we are in the midst of the battle, that God’s grace is enough.
Christ followers need to be aware of deceiving spirits. 1 Timothy 4. We are to study the word to divine the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15.

Enemy retreats toa more opportune time but he does not go away. We must always be ready. The battle is not “one and done”. Christ followers need to be filled with the Word.

Evil takes possession of our minds if we let it. Matthew 12:43-45. There is a “Law of Vacuum” that says an empty space will fills back up. We need to be careful what it fills with. There are times we need to empty spaces of the old and useless to be ready to open to the fresh and useful.

How can we be ready with good things of God? We need to apply the directive of Paul in Philippians 4:7-9: think and practice good things.
You can have the God of peace during war.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…. Romans 12:2.
‘Bless the Lord and forget not His benefits’. Psalm 103 :1-5.

We are intended to be more than believers but disciples. We are meant to be disciples who learn and exercise discipline. Being disciplined doesn’t happen by thinking. We must act, practice, and exercise the right and good things.
The enemy will be whispering to you. Thank God for your current blessings and be ready. The Old Testament is full of stories of monuments that were built to remind the Israelites of what God has done. We must be ready to remember what God has done for us and what he will do again.

Faith comes by hearing, (think of ads saturation). Hearing comes by the word. Romans 10:17.
Our minds need to be ingrained, (indoctrinated) with God’s Word. We must meditate on God's Words daily!
Give yourself affirmations. The Lord will raise up a standard, spiritual weapons against the enemy. Recognize that God is with you… through all.

Daily prayer
Daily affirmations
Daily thanksgiving
The Apostle's Creed

The raging battle for our thoughts starts within each of us.

I like this song video today: “No Other Love”
Verses for Today:
Philippians 4:7-9 NIV
7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Lord, be in Control in my life each day. Let me knot forget your Benefits!!

Bible Verse of the Day - day 240 - image 720 (Philippians 4:8-9)

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.- Philippians 4:9, NIV

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