
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sunday Words of Encouragement March 20, 2022

Our substitute Sunday School teacher shared a You Tube message by Pastor Tim Sheets titled Day 19: Notable Miracles which is part of his prophetic word of 54 Days of Change. Part of Pastor Sheet’s prophecy includes that ‘media giants’ will fall. His comments regarding the mainstream media is remarkable… and maybe promising. CNN’s new owners take over in May. The new management has announced that ‘major changes’ are coming. They will be looking for ‘true journalism rather than opinionated news’; ‘hard news rather than partisan panels’; fact-oriented journalism’!

As Pastor Sheets noted: ‘We don't know how prophetic changes of God will happen, but we trust the one who can make them happen!’

We had a nice time of worship and then moved into the sermon message. Pastor reminded us that his message two weeks ago was “Do You Love People?” Last week’s guest pastor talked about the cost of following Christ. Now Pastor asks: “Have you ever lost anything?”  One person’s Aunt lost an engagement ring at a an amusement park. Pastor once lost his wallet with his credit cards.

The message is titled: What Have You Lost?
It can be painful and distressing to lose things. But isn’t it worse if we lose our purpose?

Jesus was always focused on fulfilling the “Will” of his father.
In Luke 2:49 we are told the story of Mary and Joseph leaving the city and discovering they has ‘lost’ their 12-year-old son. When they returned to find Jesus in the temple courts, he told them “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”

Jesus later says to his disciples: “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. John 4:34. He was saying that his sustenance is found in fulfilling God's will. He also noted in the next sentences that the harvest is ready and we shouldn’t be waiting the four months to the standard harvest time. John 4:35-36.

We as believers should not be saying that we have time to witness to our loved ones and strangers. We don't have time in the spiritual realm. The time is now and is urgent. Much of the Church at large has lost its purpose of looking on the field and bringing in a harvest of souls.

In the story of the Good Samaritan, the priest and the Levite failed to go into field to help the injured and the lost. Good Samaritan had compassion. Luke 10:25-37. Do we see the field?

Our Interim Pastor is praying that our new pastor will be a shepherd to minister but also to equip members.
The sermon last week talked about the cost of following Christ and Pastor note six principles in the text of Luke 14:25-35:
1 Commandment – start with putting God first.
2 Carry your cross.
3 Count the cost.
4 Continuous connection; support each other; we are better together.
5 Cast aside everything.
6 Check your freshness.

We have the truth and have to share it with freshness.
Luke 15 tells of a time when Jesus was speaking to people and ‘the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear him’. The Pharisees and teachers of the law did not like it! They did not welcome the sinners whom Jesus was seeking to reach. The church leaders did not understand the overlooked people. Jesus came for the sick. He spoke in parables telling the crowd how he the shepherd would leave the 99 sheep on the hill to go and find the lost sheep. Then there was rejoicing when the sheep was found. Luke 15:1-7.

Jesus was always approachable. Don't lose your touch, your mission.
The shepherd values each one. Our mission is to find the sheep that are lost. To go after the lost. Matthew 28:18-20.  Too often it seems easier to stay in church and take care of the 99... We certainly don't want to neglect the 99, so we need to do both.

Have you lost your mission? Who are you eating with? Who are you entertaining? Do you have compassion to go after the lost? Are there lost people in your own family?.
Our mission is to ‘go and compel others…’ Luke 14:23.
The Lord does not want anyone to perish. 2 Peter 3:9.
Be a part of mission wherever we go – at work, when shopping – not just at church.
What he has done for you, He will do for others – Tell them about Him!

I started out with a different song but was led to this one. How appropriate!!
Verses for Today:
John 4:34-36
34“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 35 Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36 Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.

Lord – help my daily life to show that You are Everything to me!

My food is to do the will John 4 34 - Master's Hand Collection

The Harvest |

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