
Saturday, January 9, 2021

MBS 2021 Reading Goals

Martha's Bookshelf 2021 Reading Goals

Challenges: Goodreads, otherwise all goals are 'unofficial'.  I still think I would struggle to have time to fully participate in specific challenges for 2021. I do have reading goals again with some adjustments.

2021 Reading ChallengeGoodreads 2021 Challenge: 124
I set my 2021 Goodreads Goal at 124. This is less than the last two years because I have some longer books and series on my TBR shelves (prior to 2021). This will require about 2-3 books per week (10 per month) which is very comfortable for reading and review posting.

TBR: 90
I still plan to read at least 90 TBR titles, consisting of audios, current NetGalley titles, current author titles, and ebooks and print books. That only leaves me 34 for 2021 titles which would include 7 NetGalley and 9 author review titles and another 18 for new titles. Titles can qualify for more than one goal.

Audiobooks in Primary - Oak house School
Audiobook Goal: 64

I love audiobooks and, as noted, have some longer ones that have been waiting. So instead of planning on 100 audios this year, I plan on at least 64 with the hope it will be closer to 75.

Alphabet Goal: 26
I do plan on working on the Alphabet Goal/Challenge. I can do this with Audios and actually have two TBRs per letter already lined up. Right now the “X” picks are “x” in the title, but I do have an ebook that starts with X that I will count too just to be solid on the Alphabet.

NetGalley badge | Fictionophile
NetGalley: 24

I have 17 NetGalley titles that will be TBR and I will plan 7 more for a NetGalley reading goal of 24; a comfortable two per month though not required to be two/month.

Author Reviews: 12
I have 3 author ebook titles which are TBR and I am planning on at least 12 author review titles (ebook or audio) for the year.

NonFiction: 12
I plan to read at least 12 nonfiction titles – likely one per month. These may (but not required) be TBR and may qualify towards Audio and Alphabet goals.

eBook/Print TBRs: 24

I plan to do better than the last years (barely 12) reading my own ebook or print TBRs. The goal will be at least 24 or 2 per month.

Seasons: 4

I enjoyed doing a book for each Season: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall/Autumn. I have thought about doing one with each month in it but I think that might be restrictive. Maybe I’ll shoot for half the months and give myself permission to read them in any month they come up. 😊

Color Theory: Using Split-Complementary Colors | Split complementary colors,  Double complementary colors, Color wheel
Colors: 8

I have been thinking color themes the past couple of years so I think I will see how many colors I can cover. I will plan on the four primary colors (red, blue, green and yellow) and add at least four more, making the color goal 8.


  1. I set my Goodreads goal to 75 although I read more than 100 in 2020. I don't like when GR is telling me that I'm behind on my reading :)


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