
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Words of Encouragement September 20, 2020

Although my hubby’s first church online was interrupted by the internet, our service had no interruptions today. Our Pastor wasn’t feeling well so we had a guest preacher, a man previously from our congregation who has worked for years with the local district office.

The question MJ asked this morning was: What Spirit do you have?
There are many types of spirits: beautiful, kind, generous, faithful; also rebellious, mean, selfish, haughty, and religious spirits. In the Bible we learn there is “another spirit” (KJV) or a “different spirit” (NIV). Numbers 14:24.

MJ shared from Numbers 13:17-20, 25-33. Moses assigned a team of men to investigate the land of Canaan. They returned after forty days and reported back that the land was rich ‘flowing with milk and honey’ and filled with fruit (giant grapes). Caleb said ‘Let us go possess it’ but others said ‘No, we can’t attack them. The men are too strong; the land devours and we are but grasshoppers in our own eyes.’

Ten of the men gave a bad report but Caleb tried to argue that God promised to provide the land as gift. Most of the people believed the negative report instead of holding firm to God's promise. The congregation wanted to turn back, rejecting God's promise. They even wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb. God was angry and said, ‘Fine, I'll just wipe them out if they don’t want to follow my way.’ But Moses argued with God and made Him change his mind. Numbers 14:1-25.

We are in days when we have to decide which report we are going to believe and who we will follow. What Spirit will we have?

God gave the Israelites another chance. But those with the whining, contemptuous spirit were displeasing to God and he decreed that they would not enter the land of promise. Numbers 14:23-24. God noted that Caleb (and Joshua) had “a different Spirit”; one that is wholly following God.

All 12 men went on the same assignment, but they responded differently. Ten magnified their inadequacy and the strength of the enemy. Those men left God out of the equation. Two saw God's promise and trusted Him. They were full of their relationship with God.

Today is a time when many show no shame. People are flaunting their wrong spirit. There are those who follow God fully or those who follow partially. What Spirit will you have? We are in a day of decision. You get to choose your Spirit.

The common spirit is a spirit of fear. They follow God when it is easy, convenient, popular, or when it suits them.
Or the ‘different Spirit’ is one who follows God even when it is difficult, when it is not so popular.

Abraham trusted by faith. Hebrews 11:8; God directed Abraham to move from a land full of idols to a land of promise. Abraham agreed to follow to an unknown land. Genesis 12:1-4. God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Genesis 12:22. Abraham exhibited a different Spirit willing to trust God.

When you follow God fully, He will take to unknown places! The Church is being led to unknown places. Don't miss what God has for us by refusing to follow Him. We lose control in the unknown. By faith we follow. We may be tested. We don't know what God is doing but do we trust Him and follow Him fully?

When you follow God, He will lead you with uncomfortable practices. God might ask you to sacrifice anything that takes precedence over Him. He may ask you to lay what you have on the altar. To be All in. Do we do what God wants us to do? Do we embrace what He wants?

When you follow God, He will give you uncommon provisions. He is Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides. Literally Jehovah Jireh is interpreted to mean ‘God will see’ or ‘God shall be seen’. God provides even when it is unexpected. He feeds thousands with a few fish and a few loaves. He makes miracles; He makes a way.

In these days, the Church can reflect a place of peace in a world of chaos.
What Spirit do you have? What Spirit do you want?

I love how I start with a song or thought in mind but God leads me to others. I have to let Him tell me which He wants to add to the message. Today it is this song: The God Who Moves the Mountains.
Verses for Today:
Numbers 14:23-24 NIV
23 not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their ancestors. No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it. 24 But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.

God, help me to keep this message in mind each day. Help me to put you first. Help me to read Your Word to start my day rather than checking my stock positions or place in my books.
And please, my Sovereign Lord, open eyes and hearts and bring peace to our land.

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