
Saturday, June 13, 2020

Sharing Beyond Books #397 Comment Giveaway June 13, 2020

Hello again and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB.
Thanks to everyone who commented last week. We are all living in tense times it seems.

Twelve of us have books that had an impact on us. To Kill a Mockingbird was mentioned twice.

The Winner from SBB #396 comments is #8 CAROL who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the Updated (**Finally!) ARC/Review titles or (recently updated) Love and Christmas titles - all linked near the end of the post. -- [11/16/19 I plan to add some review books this week and maybe some new Christmas and Love titles as soon as I locate the box I put them in. 10/5/19 I have pulled some new books and will be adding them to the list in the next week or so.

**NOTE: I did post an Updated ARC and Other books for Giveaways. I have to go back and list the titles -- someday.
Please let me know your choice by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #397
(One Question.)

Marjorie asks: What was the first series of books you enjoyed, mine was Trixie Belden??
I recall that, as a young person, I was a fan of The Hardy Boys first, then Nancy Drew series. That is showing my age! I will be interested to see which series the youger people name.
great list of fantastic series for kids ages 8-12. great books to put on the summer reading list!
Image found at It's Always Autumn.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month, I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a 1/2 book choice or $2.50 towards GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! The supply of questions is dwindling so share some if you think of any -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify them.

Your turn to share. Marjorie asks: What was the first series of books you enjoyed, mine was Trixie Belden??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Updated ARC and Other books, including the "Love" and Christmas titles all in one post.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on the question above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday, June 27, 2020, at 5 PM central.


  1. The Harry Potter books

  2. I don't remember...the one I do remember being obsessed with is Dark Hunters by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I started my love of it in highschool 15 years ago and I still read it :)

  3. The magic faraway tree by Enid Blyton when I was a wee child! It was a series of 3 books and just wonderful.

  4. I honestly don't recall, but that's not unusual because I prefer standalones.

  5. hi! for me it was the books written by " la comtesse de Segur"

  6. Congrats to Carol!
    The Little Golden Books was the first series I loved.

  7. Has to be all of the Enid Blyton books.

  8. Mallory Towers when I was about eight years old.

  9. Wow, this will really care me. 😊 It was the Dick and Jane books from the 50's I believe.
    Carol Luciano

  10. I loved both Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys as a child.

  11. I too loved Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys! I love mystery books!

  12. I also liked the Nancy Drew books.

  13. I loved reading the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.


Your comments are always appreciated!