
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday Words of Encouragement April 14, 2019

This morning we were reminded it is Palm Sunday although we had no special celebration.
Our Sunday School lesson continued the study of the gift of tongues and its proper use and purpose.  1 Corinthians 14:26-39.

We sang a new worship song called Calvary and another called How Beautiful. Pastor noted that the old rugged cross was not intended as a thing of beauty but became beautiful by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

The Sermon was speaking on Love based on the text of Matthew 21:1-12.
It seems to be a human trait that we seek love; we are wired for love. We seek a true companion.
We all enjoy a good fairy tale love story, but he noted that early love, or puppy love grows into a richer mature love.

The Bible message tells us there is someone who loves us more than we can understand. He overlooks are faults and challenges us to grow. Just as we have to be careful not to take human love for granted, we should be careful not to take God’s special love for granted.

God's love for us is a matchless love. We are unable to fully understand how great His love truly is. When we look to Palm Sunday and Easter, we often share in Praising God and enjoying Easter cantatas and programs that portray the triumphal entry as a wonderful event…which it was. But there was more to it. Matthew 21:10-12...
Jesus upsets the market and tells His disciples of times to come. He tells them He is being plotted against, He will be betrayed, denied, beaten and put to death.

Point: No matter what we think, understand or believe... God's love for us cannot be matched.

Jesus shared in the last supper, asking them to remember Him. He showed them that His love would overcome all.
The only right response to God's matchless love is Surrender.
Just try to image: How high, how wide, how deep is the Father’s love!

My mind immediately went to this song: How Deep the Father’s Love
Verse for Today:
Matthew 21:16
“Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him.
“Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read,
“‘From the lips of children and infants
you, Lord, have called forth your praise'?”

Lord, I give you praise and thanks for your unfathomable and matchless love!

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