
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Book Review and Giveaway: A Bride Most Begrudging by Deeanne Gist

This has wonderful history and an engaging romance.
A Bride Most Begrudging
by Deeanne Gist
A Bride Most Begrudging   -     By: Deeanne Gist
Paperback: 347 pages
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers; First Edition edition
(July 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0764200720
Genre: Christian, Historical Romance
My Rating: 4.0 of 5.0

When Lady Constance Morrow finds herself kidnapped and bound for the American colonies, she's sure she'll find a reasonable man who'll believe her story and send her back to England. Instead, she's "bought" by farmer Drew O'Connor. How long will it take before this marriage of convenience becomes very inconvenient for both of them?

Lady Constance Morrow is visiting her uncle who is being deported to the American Colonies. When she lingers too long she is kidnapped by the Captain. She manages to make a friend of Mary, one of the women who is being transported to be bartered as a bride to the colonists.

Two months later they arrive at a Virginia port where the Captain presents Constance to the crowd as one of the brides. In spite of her protests Constance is sold to a crude, sleezy man named Emmet. Later that night a rugged colonist arrives to claim her, having won her purchase receipt in a card game.

Drew O’Conner doesn’t want a wife. He has lost too many family members and the woman he fell in love with died like so many others who never make it through the hardships of wilderness life or the long lonely winters. Besides, Drew doesn’t like redheads or girls with freckles. But he couldn’t allow the woman to be tied to Emmet.

Drew practically drags Constance through the forest to his homestead. He doesn’t want to believe Constance’s claims that she is a gentlewoman who was kidnapped. Still, he can’t explain her baring, her cultured speech, her ability to read and, to top it off, her complete lack of practical skills. Fortunately for Drew and Constance, Drew’s brother Josh purchased Mary who is skilled at cooking and household tasks that stymie Constance such as starting a fire, collecting eggs, and even cleaning.

Local community authorities show up forcing Drew and Constance to marry. Constance convinces Drew to a marriage of convenience which can be annulled later. That was the original plan but things begin to change as they spend time together, Constance grows close to Drew’s younger sister and Drew finds himself admiring Constance’s determination to learn and fit in. But really, Drew begins to think he is completely unworthy of this remarkable woman and he sets his heart on sending her home to England.

I found this story charming. Constance and Drew are wonderfully real characters. I was just frustrated by their failure to communicate their misconceptions of each other’s feelings. The history seemed well researched and I was very interested in the detail of colony life in 1643. My ladies book club enjoyed the story but thought it a bit longer than needed. We recommend this to readers who enjoy Christian, historical romance.

Source: Print books picked up on sale at This book fits my 2019TBR and 2019Alphabet goals.

Paperback Book (US and Canada Only)

(Don't forget to fill in the form for entry!)
For 3 Extra Bonus entries
(a) comment on the review
(b) visit the author's Website and tell me something you like there.

* This contest is open to US and Canada only for the paperback book.
* This contest will close 5 PM (Central) March 23, 2019.
Winners are asked to respond on the winners form linked in the announcement or by email.


  1. I visited the author's website and took the quiz, Which Deanne Gist Book is the perfect fit for you? The book that was chosen for me was The Measure of a Lady.

  2. I enjoyed the review and would love to read this book. Thanks for the chance!

  3. I liked the review. Sounds like a book I will enjoy.

  4. interesting time period


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