
Monday, January 21, 2019

My Word for 2019

I haven’t done a post the past years for my word although I have chosen them.
After my cancer treatment in 2014 my Word was Thankful.
2015: Embrace – I determined it was important to embrace each day as we don’t know how many days we have.
2016: Faith – I recognized that it is my faith that sees me through life with joy.
2017: Focus – I chose to focus on my relationship with God and allow that to lead me in life.
2018: I didn’t feel led to pick a new word and continued with the word Focus.
2019: I did a four day Bible study titled One Word That Will Change Your Life and then a five day Bible study, God + Goals.
After prayer and consideration and a list of half a dozen words, I determined my word for the year:
I want to be intentional in my living, loving, praying, Bible study, relationships and sharing my faith. I want to work intentionally and use my resources intentionally with a goal of service.

As I was looking up the definitions of my short list words I found this video that I think goes well with the final word choice. I like the thought that God is intentional about me.


  1. Great word and careful choosing Martha - and all your one words have been very inspirational for living.

  2. That's a great choice! Mine was a little more sassy but basically if you don't like something...change it. Which I'm doing :) (I do a phrase instead of a word)

  3. That has been a previous word for me as well.. Def a growth word! Blessings in the unfolding...


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