
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday Words of Encouragement July 29, 2018

Our substitute Sunday School teacher shared a message that we should live our lives as though we are writing our obituary. Our actions should speak for our lives. This fit with the sermon message too.

Pastor continued his sermon series The Strong from 1 Peter. He noted that last week’s message from 1 Peter 4 spoke to practical aspects of living different. This week the message is from 1 Peter 4:7-11.

Pastor noted that we often settle for second best in our choices. Sometimes it’s a matter of money; other times it is a determined choice of taste. Of course, “best” is a relative term that varies from person to person.

So the question today is: How often do we give God our best?
Do we give God less than our best but still expect God to give us blessings?
1 Peter 4:7 starts: “The end of the world is coming soon.” This would worry many people but for Christ followers it should be exciting! We believe: “The day I die I begin a new life.”
1 Peter 4:7b: therefore be earnest in your prayer.
1 Peter 4:8: Most important... Show deep love.

Point: The church is at its best when the strong give their best.

When we settle for less, then the church is less.
Everyone has a spiritual gift. We are to use them to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10.
Use your gifts to help the church and honor God.
The Devil will minimize your gift; he will lie to you saying, ‘you ruined your gift’.

We are created to do and become more than we can imagine. God created each of us specially. Psalm 139:13-18. This scripture shows God’s Intimate and magnificent plan. We each need to seek God's best plan.

Using your gift well will give glory to God. 1 Peter 4:11.
Are you giving God your best?
Here is how to prepare:
1. Ask for God to forgive us for failing to give our best.
2. (Re) Discover your spiritual gift.
3. Commit to use your spiritual gift for God.
4. Give your best to God.
Don’t consider that you owe God a debt. Instead, pursue a right relationship with Him.

I found several songs I liked for today but chose this one.
Verses for Today:
1 Peter 4:7-11 (NIV)
7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

My prayer: God forgive me for failing to give my best. Help me remember this prayer each morning and, Holy Spirit, help me give my best to God each day.

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