
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sunday Words of Encouragement March 25, 2018

Our Sunday School teacher is doing a series on Mercy and Grace. This fit well with Pastor’s message for Palm Sunday.

Pastor’s sermon is continuing the current Easter season series titled “The Timeline”. The two prior weeks addressed Jesus’ ministry and time up to the triumphant entry. Pastor noted how much happens in the last week of Jesus’ life. It starts with the triumphant entry then there is the last supper, the betrayal by Judas, the arrest and beatings, the ‘trial’ and finally the crucifixion.

Jesus warned Peter that he would deny knowing him three times before the cock crowed. Even with the warning, Peter did just that. Peter left crying bitterly, no doubt feeling like a failure. We have all failed. God’s grace is greater than any failure. We can be restored, just like Peter was restored.

Today we look at the crucifixion knowing it has a cliffhanger ending. (Pastor compared it to the TV series Lost.) The crucifixion is one of the greatest "Ah ha!" moments of all time! At the death of Jesus, there is darkness, a torn curtain, an earthquake, and people rising from the grave.

Point: Jesus' death brings clarity of God's plan of salvation and reveals our heart's condition.

We should identify with someone in the story.
Neither Pilate or Herod found guilt in Jesus (Luke 23:4, 26-29) but still he was sent to be crucified. Reading Leviticus this week we see that God asks the Israelites to bring him the best, the first fruits. We should bring something of value as offering, not whatever is left over as an afterthought.

Then God gave us the best He had.
The sinless, blameless Son of God gave His life to take away the sins of the world.

We can see clearly that salvation is ONLY found in the death, the sacrifice of Christ.

What is the condition of your heart.
One criminal scoffed, some people felt bad, some only observed, some turned their backs, some stood at distance. The Roman Guard, having seen Jesus on the cross, being in His presence, was moved to worship!

Are you moved by His sacrifice?

I spent a while looking for a song today. I ended up with a classic Palm Sunday Hymn.
Verses for Today:
Luke 22:41-42 NIV
41He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”

Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for the Cross. Thank you for moving me with your sacrifice.


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