
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday Words of Encouragement March 5, 2017

This morning our Sunday School teacher gave us an update on the ministry in Haiti. They have installed a good well – 89 feet deep to reach clean water. Some of the men from Band of Brothers will be going down at the end of the month to help put a roof on a small kitchen structure they have built. The ministry now serves three areas, one city community and two country communities. We are happy to be part of the support for the work God is doing.

We had lovely worship and prayer time before sharing in communion. Then we had a guest speaker, born in Sri Lanka, whose mission is to spread a message on the importance of prayer. He wore a Superman shirt and noted that some people view prayer as a task for the devout, dedicated Christian – the super Christian. But pray is the privilege and responsibility of all Christ followers.

He noted the prayer of Hannah who appeared drunk to the priest. She explained she was not drunk but was praying to the Lord in anguish and sorrow. (1 Samuel 1:9-19.) When was the last time you someone so immersed in pray, or so exuberant, that they appeared drunk? Hannah let her circumstances drive her to prayer. This led to the birth of Samuel who chose the first two kings of Israel. We each have the opportunity to change the world with our prayers.
Jesus said, in Matthew 22:37, "'You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.'”

The guest pastor shared one example of carrying 3 x 5 cards with prayer reminders. I can do that! He will expound on the practicalities of loving with heart, soul and mind in this evening’s service. But he noted that you have to start somewhere. God will answer your cry no matter what you call Him, where you call Him or when you call Him.

The guest also encouraged us with a reference to Joshua 1:1-3, saying that with new leadership comes to opportunity to carry forward God’s plans. He is excited for what God is planning to do in our church and community.

I found this song which fits so nicely! Power of Prayer.
Verses for Today
Matthew 22: 37-40 NLT
37Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

Lord, help me be faithful to pray for others and for Your Will to be done.


  1. I couldn't find the comment box on your Mailbox Monday post so I am commenting here. :)

    Nice mailbox, Martha.

    Have a good reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  2. Thanks for the heads up Elizabeth - I had failed to click for comments. I must have been more tired than I thought. :-(


Your comments are always appreciated!