
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday Words of Encouragement March 19, 2017

We had an open discussion today during Sunday School which involved good sharing. Worship was lovely with songs focused on the sacrifice and power of Jesus. Pastor continued the series on DNA - Who We Are.

Who we are will show in how we live and how we carry the gospel to others. Many factory or assembly jobs teach you to “fit in”; mind your place, learn only your task, not another, and don’t try to move up. But that is not how a Christian life should be. Christian life should not be staying in one place as we are supposed to grow as believers and disciples.

When Jesus called His apostles and disciples, He called them to move. Matthew 4:19 “come, follow”. Following requires movement, not waiting. We can become stagnant, becoming smelly and scummy, if we don’t keep moving.

Discipleship with movement is another core part of our DNA. For a Christ follower there is no arrival point – not on this earthly realm. We always need to go forward. Movement is necessary for physical and spiritual well-being.

Point: Next step leads to greater commitment and Life Change.

Picture three chairs (levels), all of which are needed for a healthy church: 1) pre Christians; 2) new believers who have accepted Christ; and 3) mature believers who should be training and teaching others. If we have become settled into a hammock or lazy-boy, then we have become stagnant in our Christian life!

If we are stagnant, then we need to shake things up. Which seat are you in? How long have you been there? What's your next move? We should feel a sense of urgency - Jesus could return any day. Pastor wants us to honestly assess where we are and find a way to keep moving to ADVANCE the Kingdon of God.

I had a particular song in mind but I love how the Spirit leads me to other song videos! I found about five songs to consider. This is group I am unfamiliar with and a song that is new to me but I like its fit for today’s message. Build Your Kingdom Here.
Verses for Today:
Matthew 4:18-20 (NLT)
18 One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. 19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” 20 And they left their nets at once and followed him.

Lord, shake me up and help me to get moving so I can do what You call me to do and do my part to advance Your Kingdom!
Image result for Matthew 4:18-20

Image result for Matthew 4:18-20

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