
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday Words of Encouragement February 5, 2017

We had an interesting Sunday School with our substitute sharing a video interview from a Reverend and his family describing their experiences visiting heaven. Pastor continued his series in James, titles “When Faith and Life Collide”.

Recapping he reminded us that we all face temptation and we are God's prized possession. God has supplied us with all we need to face and overcome the battle. Then Pastor asked how many of us were good listeners. Too often people listen without absorbing what is being said. They are emotionally poised to respond, focused on making their own points. As example: Consider how many sermons have you heard over the past 10 years? Then consider if your life has changed based on those sermons.

Often, we hear things, but don't listen; we are taught but don't learn. There is a disconnect between the lesson and responsive action.

Pastor read James 19-27, stressing: do what the word says and God will bless you.
Go beyond listening to do what it says. Your response to the word has the power to save your souls. (James 21.) What is the most important information you need at this moment? At some point you have to surrender.

Sermon Point: Real change requires real action.
Change brought through obedience should be permanent, not temporary. James says it is absurd to look in a mirror, then walk away and forget what you look like. How can you experience what God has for you and not stay there?

What are you doing daily? When was your last significant change? Have you made a full connection? What has to change today? Always the step starts with repentance and changing our actions.

Think how your life could be different? Is it time for a life change? Do you need an attitude change? What could God do through us if we responded with obedience? Access where you could be and what you will do with the next days, weeks, months and years of your life.

This song seemed to fit for today.
Verses for Today:
James 21 NLT
21 So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls.
22 But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.

Lord, again I pray, help me listen and focus on Your Will for my life; that I might do as You direct.

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