
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday Words of Encouragement January 22, 2017

I pulled this message to prepare this post ahead of time. My hubby is in hospital again so I plan to leave shortly after church to visit with him.

On January 8, 2017 to begin the new year, our Sunday School (SS) teacher gave a message on Landmarks. Landmarks are used to mark points in surveying or to mark special event. The Israelites also would mark territories (Deuteronomy 19:14, Proverbs 22:28) and special events (Genesis 8:20 (Noah), Genesis 12:8 (Abram).

Our SS teacher noted that the Israelites did not stop and stay but moved on from the landmarks. More specifically they followed God’s direction by following the cloud and pillar of fire (Numbers 9:17). If they did not move, they would not experience what God had in store.

We need to know that we do not need to go back to a spiritual landmark. God does not speak the same to different people, nor the same to the same person at different times. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. That is who He is, not how He works. Landmarks remind us what God has done and can do. God continues to do great things at different places, in different ways. Don’t put God in a box, nor limit Him. God does not work through culture, nor religion, but God works through relationship. God is known to provide sign posts. Be sensitive to His direction. Remember – it isn’t about you (or me); it's about Him and His direction. Make sure you move with God.

I immediately thought of the words in this song: Jesus, Lover of My Soul.
"It's All About You, Jesus!"
A Verse for Today:
Numbers 9:23 NLT
23 So they camped or traveled at the Lord’s command, and they did whatever the Lord told them through Moses.

I keep getting the Word "Focus" in my mind. I believe that is God's word for me for 2017 and I am mindful that my focus needs to be on God's Will, not my own.


  1. Martha, I hope your husband is getting better. He is in my prayers.

    I think the song you picked was a good choice. In church today we talk about how our relationship should be with the lord. We covered Romans 8:35-39 and sang a song called Heart Won't Stop. It was a very good service today. Thanks for sharing your Sunday Words of encouragement with us.

  2. Isn't it wonderful that we can count on God to always be the same?


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