
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Post October 23, 2016/It's Monday! What are You Reading? Plus Mailbox Monday October 24, 2016

I am linking with Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

It's Monday! What Are You Reading now at The Book Date.
Thank you to Sheila for the years that she handled this meme.
Thank you to Kathryn for taking up the baton.
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I left work early on Thursday to head to the Florida Writer's Association Conference in Orlando. The children's acquisitions editor met me there and we had a good time. I attended several interesting workshops and met a number of nice authors.
I received a couple of review titles. (See Monday Mailbox.)
I also acquired two book baskets at silent auction and won two books as a door prize. I will post that info tomorrow (Monday) after I get pictures.
I'll be working on catching up in office this week.
Our weather dropped into the 40s at home and even 52 in the mornings in Orlando. Quite lovely.

I enjoyed my reading and listening during the week. I finished two ebooks, and one Audible. I posted three reviews and the usual memes.

I had a nice time visiting other bloggers early last week.
My blog "shout out" tonight goes to Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Just in case you don't get to link up to the Sunday Post, I encourage you to visit her blog. It is always full of good reviews, some discussions, a few review opportunities and usually a coffee quip or image. :-) Plus the Sunday Post gets you links to lots of other good bloggers!
Thanks as always to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
  • Book Review: The Soul Summoner by Elicia Hyder; Paranormal Suspense, Psychics; my rating 4.5.

Finished Reading:
1. eBook/Kindle (NG)

Extracted (The Lost Imperials Series Book 1)
by Sherry D. Ficklin and Tyler H. Jolley
This is a different time travel and steampunk.
Click on book title for full description.

2. eBook/Kindle

Quirky Essays for Quirky People: The Complete Collection
by Barbara Venkataraman
This is fun and quick.
Click on book title for full description.

3. Audible (TBR)

Heroes Are My Weakness
Written by: Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Narrated by: Erin Bennett
This is not quite the usual SEP.
Click on book title for full description.

Currently reading:
1. eBook/Kindle (NG)

Written in Fire (The Brilliance Trilogy Book 3)
by Marcus Sakey
I am half-way through this exciting conclusion.
For thirty years humanity struggled to cope with the brilliants, the one percent of people born with remarkable gifts. For thirty years we tried to avoid a devastating civil war. We failed.
The White House is a smoking ruin. Madison Square Garden is an internment camp. In Wyoming, an armed militia of thousands marches toward a final, apocalyptic battle.
Nick Cooper has spent his life fighting for his children and his country. Now, as the world staggers on the edge of ruin, he must risk everything he loves to face his oldest enemy—a brilliant terrorist so driven by his ideals that he will sacrifice humanity’s future to achieve them.
From “one of our best storytellers” (Michael Connelly) comes the blistering conclusion to the acclaimed series that is a “forget-to-pick-up-milk, forget-to-water-the-plants, forget-to-eat total immersion experience” (Gillian Flynn).
The explosive conclusion to the bestselling Brilliance Trilogy.

2. Audible (ABB-Narrator)

The Colonel's Lady
Written by: Laura Frantz
Narrated by: Laura Jennings
This sounds like an American Revolution romance I will enjoy.
I received this audio title from the narrator through AudioBook Boom.
Publisher's Summary
In 1779, when genteel Virginia spinster Roxanna Rowan arrives at the Kentucky fort commanded by Colonel Cassius McLinn, she finds that her officer father has died. Penniless and destitute, Roxanna is forced to take her father's place as scrivener. Before long, it's clear that the colonel himself is attracted to her. But she soon realizes the colonel has grave secrets of his own - some of which have to do with her father's sudden death. Can she ever truly love him? Listeners will be enchanted by this powerful story of love, faith, and forgiveness from Laura Frantz. Her solid research and deft writing immerse listeners in the world of the early frontier while her realistic characters become intimate friends.
©2011 Laura Frantz (P)2016 Laura Frantz

3. eBook/Kindle (Author)

Shadow Reaper (Shadowlands Series)
by Amos Cassidy
This is another title I received for free 
and am reading for October.
Only the bravest go over the Horizon...
Twenty years ago the barriers between worlds came down and our reality was swallowed up by the Shadowlands. Now we scavenge to survive, until one day there’s nothing left to reap. Starvation is around the corner, but I’m not the roll over and wait-to-die kinda girl. Nope, I’m going further than anyone has ever been and returned to tell the tale. I’m going into the Beyond, and I’m not coming back without a solution.
Dark urban fantasy with a post-apocalyptic twist.

October 2, 2016 - I have really enjoyed reading Isaiah with all of its prophesies. I remain up to date with Reading The One Year Bible again along with my husband and others from our church. I will also be listening (sometimes) to the companion commentary online.

I posted three reviews which keeps me up to date with four still due for the coming week.

I am still requesting audio titles as I can always squeeze listening in!
I continue reading author titles with one in current reading this week. I added new requests to the list so it is back up to nine again.
I am reading the last of my older NetGalley titles so my shelf will be at six for Sci Fi Month.
I still hope to read some Sci Fi TBRs in November although I also picked up some new titles at the conference.

We continue to add upcoming releases at eTreasure's NetGalley page.
The next fiction title will go up on NetGalley this week while we release one to Kindle and one to Print.

Welcome to Mailbox Monday.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) and after a tour of hosts has returned to its permanent home at Mailbox Monday. Thanks to the ladies sharing hosting duties: Leslie of Under My Apple Tree, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit and Vicki of I'd Rather Be at the Beach. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

I still have new review requests to consider.
I received a new audiobook review title this week and I accepted a couple requests and titles from authors.

I picked my two September credits from Audible, plus one extra.
I picked up the usual healthy number of free kindle titles -- Note these are in my Amazon library, NOT on my Kindle until I download and transfer them.

Are your mailbox and TBR piles blooming?

Review Titles
The Colonel's Lady
Written by: Laura Frantz
Narrated by: Laura Jennings
This sounds like an American Revolution romance I will enjoy.
See full description under Currently Reading above.

I have signed up for a 2017 blog tour new release 
by author Stephen Manchester.
(I will post more when I get the book.)
I saw a Christmas title he had and asked to review it for December. He was kind to send me:
by Steven Manchester

I sat with author Don Donovan at lunch on Saturday.
He shared the first two titles of his Miami Crime series for my review:
Who'll Stop The Rain: (Book One Of The Miami Crime Trilogy)
"In this first entry in The Miami Crime Trilogy, Don Donovan has spun a tale of separate South Florida characters whose lives are woven together into a web of money, betrayal, and murder."

Against the Wind (Book Two of The Miami Crime Trilogy)
"In Miami, crime never sleeps. Drugs, prostitution, money laundering, murder … it's all in a day's work."
These sound like nitty, gritty crime thrillers.

I downloaded a title from another author I met who gave a good class on marketing/social media. She is also one of the authors in the basket I will post tomorrow (Monday). This story is still free as of Sunday.
AOB (Return to Earth)
by Bria Burton

Two as door prize - to be posted on Monday.

I selected my 2 Audible credits plus one additional for $1.99 because I already had the Kindle version:
The Zoo at the Edge of the World
We Are Legion (We Are Bob): Bobiverse, Book 1
The Zoo at the Edge of the World
Written by: Eric Kahn Gale
Narrated by Julian Elfer
(A "Z" title that looks like fun I can share with my grand kids.)

We Are Legion (We Are Bob): Bobiverse, Book 1
Written by: Dennis E. Taylor
Narrated by Ray Porter
(With a husband named "Bob", I couldn't resist!)

A Quiet Life in the Country: A Lady Hardcastle Mystery, Book 1 Audiobook by T E Kinsey Narrated by Elizabeth KnoweldenA Quiet Life in the Country: A Lady Hardcastle Mystery, Book 1
Written by: T E Kinsey
Narrated by Elizabeth Knowelden
(A "Q" title that I like the looks and sound of.)

I only added 46 free Kindle titles to my library. Titles found linked through Bookbub, Bookfun, Ereader News Today, Free Par-tay, Ignite Your Book, Inspired Reads, Pixel of Ink or Kindle ebooks.


  1. The Quirky essays one is intriguing. What kinds of topics are discussed?

  2. The writer's conference sounds like a lot of fun! I love being around bookish people. Enjoy your new reads.

  3. Looking forward to your thoughts on The Colonel's Lady. Have a great week, Martha!

  4. So many good books there is no way I could choose one.
    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  5. The book event sounds marvellous and you picked up some great wins by the sound of it. As I said on my blog post, what booklover does not appreciate a book win!! Have a great week.

  6. Your writing workshop sounds interesting. I always enjoy hearing authors speak about how they write. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. Never heard of these books but they sounds interesting. Here is my It's Monday! What are you reading?:

  8. Lots and lots of reading ahead for you. Enjoy them all.


Your comments are always appreciated!