
Monday, August 22, 2016

Out of Town (and computer touch) to Help With Twins

Hi Blog friends.
I'm popping in to update why I have been absent this weekend. It is one of those "Life interfering with blogging" events!

As I noted on Friday Giveaway Post our daughter-in-law had twins on 8/15. They are fairly new in their community in Illinois so late in the week I decided to fly up to help for a few days. I got a good price on a last minute flight out Saturday am- really early am. Unfortunately I missed the early flight but Delta folks were wonderful and got me on standby for another a couple of hours later.

Turns out a good thing I came up as, after discharging mother and twins after only two days (not sure why the rush!) they have had to go back to the hospital every day to get the twins checked on. So starting yesterday (Sunday) I got to be designated care watcher for our 3 1/2 year old granddaughter who is still adjusting to sharing mom and dad.

Today the doctor called and advised our son and daughter-in-law to take the twins into emergency room as the blood work from yesterday shows possible bacterial infection in little Eli. He is the first born, slightly smaller, but more active, including crying, of the two. Madison pretty much eats and sleeps with occasional stretches in between.

I didn't even pull out my computer until this morning so our son could set up internet. Then during nap time I spent the first hour covering office emails. I do not anticipate a chance to catch up on my weekend memes but maybe I will get on later tonight to do some blog posts.  I won't be back to usual schedule until after I get home late Wednesday which is the same day our daughter-in-law's parents will be flying in - from China!

Please keep the twins and family in prayer.


  1. They are cute. You take your time and enjoy spending time with them. I will keep the twins and family in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Prayers to all of you. The twins are absolutely gorgeous!!

  3. Congratulations on the beautiful bundles! God bless your family!

  4. So happy to know you were able to be there for them, hope all is going well and great hospital kept an eye on them. Take care.


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