
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday Words of Encouragement May 15, 2016

(We were away in our RV again this weekend for a family event. I had trouble getting the internet to work on my computer when we arrived home so this is particularly late. But -- better late than never.)

A month or so ago the Brother we are helping in Haiti shared words about the BOB’s (Band of Brothers) ministry to Haiti. When the men went to Haiti to build the church/school with the supplies that were donated and sent by the cargo ship, that showed the love of Christ to others. When we share the Bible, especially in action, we share the message and hope of everlasting life.

We are blessed in our country and sometimes don’t recognize the needs beyond. There are children who have no school to attend and have limited food and clean water. Our God is omniscient; Psalm 139. He prepared our Haitian Brother to teach. He was hungry for learning and now he leads by taking care of his brothers and sisters first. Acts 11:27-30.

The church/school we helped can only take 100 children to start. They already have a youth club with 175 youths!

Our Brother noted that we all have fingers that are different. They are short and long but together they function as a hand that can work. It is our privilege and blessing to help each other and pray for each other. We do God’s work, not by our own power but by the Spirit.
God is the source of provision but He uses men as a conduit to share the water and the word of God. We must be careful not to stop up the pipeline of provision by our disobedience.
He noted the top five needs for the people he is ministering to in Haiti:
1. God
2. Education
3. Health / food
4. Water
5. Sanitation
Please help us by praying for this ministry.

I found this song for today's message:
Live Like That!

Verses for Today:
Acts 11:27-30
29 The disciples, as each one was able, decided to provide help for the brothers and sisters living in Judea. 30 This they did, sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul.

Lord-- please use me to help spread Your Love and the word of Your salvation.

1 comment:

  1. People who do ministry work always did amaze me. It's not easy going to other countries and do some of the ministry work that a lot of these people do. I always pray for them and that they are able to reach out to most of the people living there.


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