
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Book Review: Carnations in January by Clare Revell

I like the Christian foundation of this story although I had trouble with the heroine. Fortunately she has a strong Christian suitor who shows her the worth she has in Christ.
Carnations in January
by Clare Revell

File Size: 971 KB
Print Length: 117 pages
Publisher: Pelican Book Group (December 11, 2015)
Genre: Christian Romance
My Rating: 3.75 of 5.0

After Grace Chadwick receives a surprise inheritance from her aunt—a house and a florist shop—she moves in after the funeral. While she doesn't know the first thing about flowers, she sees this an answer to her prayers—the new start she desperately needs. When Elliot Wallac drops by his new neighbor's house with casserole, he finds the house next door has problems. Damp walls and a sagging floor set his builders senses on alert. But this house needs more than a cosmetic fix, inspection reveals more extensive issues. Like Grace's spiritual life, the house is suffering from neglect at the very foundation. With God's guidance can Elliot help Grace repair her home and her faith before both are condemned?

Grace has always found it hard to live up to her name. She has stumbled a time or two and hasn’t been able to get on steady feet. Now Grace has inherited her beloved Aunt’s house and florist shop. Grace has decided to make an attempt to renew the house and revive the florist shop but she will need help. She knows nothing about flowers so she rehires the prior employees who are more than happy to show her the ropes.

She also knows little about decorating a house that has apparently suffered years of neglect … and maybe worse. Her neighbor, Elliot, steps in to help. Elliot is a handsome, Christian man who was friends with Grace’s Aunt. He is also a contractor and is beginning to suspect there are problem with Grace’s house when he visits and finds damp walls and slanted floors. Grace is struggling with restarting the florist shop and doesn't have the fortitude or self-confidence to face a set back at home. 

Elliot is committed to his faith and belief in Christ. He is attracted to Grace and continually invites her to join him at church but Grace repeatedly refuses. Grace had a bad experience in college with a professed Christian which has turned her away from church and faith. Elliot wants to show Grace that faith is not religion but relationship. He will also have to convince her that she has more strength and worth than she realizes if he wants to pursue more than a friendship with her.

I very much enjoyed the premise of this story and the faith messages conveyed in a life style and not in a preachy manner. I also liked the imagery and the easy writing/reading style. The addition of Elliott's brother and nephew add a fun element and I really like the flower theme of the series. Sadly, I did not like the doubt and pity that control Grace’s character. She dwells in negativity and self-pity to the point that I found it hard to stomach the character. Thank goodness for Elliot’s strength of faith, steadfastness and perseverance. His character and the fundamental message of returning a lost soul to the flock saved this story for me. I received book two in the series, Violets in February, and am glad to say I found that one more enjoyable.

I received this title and the second title in the series from PBG (Pelican Book Group) Booklovers for an honest review. Stay tuned (tomorrow) for the review of book two which is more favorable.

1 comment:

  1. Great review. I like the sound of this story and I am going to give it a try. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it.


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