
Friday, April 1, 2016

Audio Book Review: Northern Lights: A Scorched Earth Novel by Boyd Craven III

This is an entertaining post-apocalyptic with strong survival aspects mixed with good character interactions.
Written by: Boyd Craven III
Narrated by: Kevin Pierce
Length: 4 hrs and 54 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release Date:03-03-16
Publisher: boyd craven
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic, Sci Fi
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Publisher's Summary
Tom's a prepper, and with his three friends, they embark on a fly-in fishing trip to northern Canada to have a long, relaxing vacation. Things turn deadly when an EMP leaves them stranded and alone 1,000 miles away from civilization. Winter is coming, and they only brought enough supplies for two weeks.

In a hostile land, there's no room for mistakes or illness. One wrong step can prove to be as deadly as the wildlife that has no fear of humans, and that views them as more than a potential food source. Escape by boat or over land would be near impossible.

So much to do, so ill-equipped, and so little time. Follow the four friends in their journey of survival. Survival isn't just an option - It's life or death.
©2016 Boyd L Craven III

Tom is a prepper, having been raised fishing, hunting and trapping in some wild land in northern Michigan. Tom and three friends have made plans for a summer vacation of camping. Tom’s friends include an EMT, Jordon, and Tom’s best friend Brian and his wife Tracy. Tom isn’t thrilled to have Tracy along since she happens to be his ex-wife from many years before when they were ‘young and stupid’.

The four friends are flown in shifts into a remote area of Canada for their adventure of fishing and camping. Tom is the last one to be dropped off with his gear. As the pilot heads out, suddenly the plane drops and crashes in the lake. As they attempt to rescue the pilot he whispers that the electronics of the plane have stopped and they realize that his pacemaker has stopped.

Tom is quick to suspect that there has been an EMP strike. He has brought extra supplies but certainly not enough for an extended stay. As time passes they accept that they are stranded and they begin to set up more extended food and living supplies to see them through the coming months and the bitter cold winter.

When a mother bear with two cubs crashes camp, the campers, with limited weapons, must improvise traps from the tools they have. Tom stumbles upon a young woman swimming in a neighboring lake. She engages their help to render medical assistance to her father. The family consists of the parents and two daughters, the younger being deaf.

The new friends pool their resources and talents as they face a serious battle for survival. I enjoyed the prepper details and the relationship tensions and growths. The story is engaging both with the survival aspects and the interactions. It moves at a good pace with interesting challenges to be faced.

Although this is part of a series it can be read as a stand-alone. Reading the first book, Good Fences, explains a little bit more of what happen that the characters in this book don’t know since they have no means of communication. However, the ending of this book adds more information about how the country is managing after the collapse caused by the EMP strike.

I appreciated the fact that Mr. Craven presents interesting stories with tension and some foul language but not overboard. I hope there will be more in this series and I may just have to pick up some of Mr. Craven’s The World Burns series to enjoy until there are more Scorched Earth books.

Audio Notes: Kevin Pierce is a talented narrator. He portrays the different accents well and conveys the fear, intensity and humor of the story. The narration enhanced my enjoyment of the story.

I received this audio from the narrator through Audiobook Blast It qualifies for Audiobook Challenge and N in 2016 Alphabet Soup Challenge.

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