
Friday, December 18, 2015

Book Review: Unclutter Your Life! How to Tame Your Mess, Calm Your Mind, Lighten your Load by Jen Williams

This book provides great tools to help get uncluttered and stay uncluttered.
by Jen Williams
File Size: 689 KB
Print Length: 39 pages
Publication Date: July 19, 2012
Genre: NonFiction
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Escape the evil grip of clutter!
Unclutter Your Life: How to Tame Your Mess, Calm Your Mind, and Lighten Your Load reveals exactly how to gain control of your stuff and your life. It’s 40 pages of no-nonsense, simple, straightforward and meaningful information.
Come along on a journey of life assessment, self-discovery and goal setting that brings you closer to living a clutter-free life than ever before. Along the way you’ll learn the health, emotional and time-wasting impacts of clutter in your life and your surroundings. You’ll understand the behavioral and psychological reasons why you clutter. And you’ll know exactly what it takes to break free of clutter’s grip – once and for all!
So scroll up, click "buy" and start to unclutter your life today!

This is a wonderful, quick book of detailed plans for uncluttering. It is only 40 pages long but it is packed with great tips. By sheer coincidence I was doing some uncluttering while I listened to this (my Kindle reads to me). But I am very guilty of a) collecting clutter and b) sorting only to set the boxes in another place instead of removing them to either trash or donation facility.

As an older couple I am aware that my husband and I have collected lots of things we don’t use. Bit by bit I have become aware that weI need to give away things so others can use what is sitting on our shelves and in our closets and drawers. I can see a big benefit in uncluttering just by traveling in a Motorhome. It is a small space and everything needs to have its own place and there is no room for unnecessary baggage. (I also spent a lot of time on boats which are small spaces too.) Also, I have slowly been implementing strategies in my office to help keep my desk less cluttered and it is a nice feeling to walk in and not have files on every surface.

These sort of facts are mentioned in the book and a nice thing is the author gives you a choice of plans and strategies since there is no one plan that fits every personality. There are fast plans and slower methods and even a choice of how and where to start. Granted, a lot of the information may seem basic common sense. But the plans and strategies help provide specifics to get the job done.

The suggestions even include hiring a professional if you can't do it yourself. I had a friend who was cleaning house for me for a while and she always was good at throwing away and organizing. I think I would prefer to do it myself because I could sort through things to discard, keep and giveaway. On the other hand, that may be a sign of not letting go enough. In any event I need to find time to sit down and pick a plan so that I can seriously begin to unclutter.

I thought it would help to see the table of Contents (which is available to see on the Look Inside at Kindle.)
Chapter 1: The Benefits of Uncluttering
Chapter 2: What Should I Do With My…? Clutter Defined
Chapter 3: What Makes It So Difficult?
Chapter 4: Action Plans for Success
Chapter 5: Seven Strategies to Unclutter
Chapter 6: Escaping the Clutter Trap: Creating New Habits
Chapter 7: When Clutter Is A Mental Illness: How to Help Those You Love
Conclusion and First Steps

I found the book useful and plan to re-read it as I set up my plan to tackle clutter. I highly recommend this to anyone who needs to unclutter and create new habits to stay uncluttered! $5.00 might seem a lot for 40 pages but I think the content makes it worth the price.

This book qualifies for "U" in my Alphabet Soup Challenge. It is a free Kindle book I downloaded in 2013 so it is a TBR book too.


  1. We're in the same position as you and DH - don't need a lot of the stuff we have accumulated. This sounds like a motivating book.

  2. Great review Martha! I'm adding this to my 'ToRead' list for the new year.


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