
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Book Review and Tour Giveaway: Peace & Goodwill: a contemporary romance, a Christmas Novella (The Minstrel Series Book 4) by Lee Strauss

This is a beautiful, heart warming story.
by Lee Strauss
  • File Size: 4201 KB
  • Print Length: 133 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: ESB Publishing (November 17, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • ASIN: B00O419ZIE
Genre: Christmas Novella, Contemporary
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: November 17, 2014
*This is a Christmas Novella
**Peace & Goodwill is set in The Minstrel Series world, but can be read alone.
     Belle gets the best Christmas present ever, a man in uniform! Ian is a soldier home on leave. Neither of them have any idea how good it will feel to fall in love or how hard it will be to say good-bye.
     Anna is spending the holidays alone again with only her faithful dog Angel to keep her company. She can’t afford to pay the rent and her landlord is threatening to kick her out. At least she’s finished with her chemo treatments. She can be thankful for that. Plus, there’s Rhys, the handsome visitor with kind eyes.
     One fateful, cold and snowy night a chance encounter changes everything.
Love is lost. Love is found. Life will never be the same.
     Peace & Goodwill, a Christmas novella in The Minstrel Series, grabs the heartstrings and pulls hard.
***includes mp3 link to featured original song.

Belle took care of her mother as she struggled and died from cancer. Now Belle struggles to make ends meet to keep her small apartment as she works at the local used bookstore. It has been two years since her mom died and she still hasn’t made new friends. She is faced with the humiliation of spending another Christmas with her boss and her reluctant family.

Ian walks into the store and there is an immediate chemistry as they meet. Their romance builds slowly and sweetly. When things heat up Belle has to remind herself that Ian will be going back to the front lines after New Years. She tries to keep her heart contained but there is no use, especially as Ian reminds her to "stay in the moment". Belle will have to say goodbye and hope that Ian will return in eight months.

Anna is suffering from cancer and hoping that she can raise the money for rent before the end of the month. She takes her dog, Angel, and sings with her guitar on the streets trying to earn what she can. She meets a nice, older man, Rhys, who is kind and gentle towards her. As the end of the month nears, Anna is worried about finding a new home for her dog as she knows she will not be able to take Angel into the shelter.

The writing is wonderfully evocative with a gentle story that pulls at your heart-strings. The story alternates between scenes with Belle and scenes with Anna. Throughout the story I knew there had to be some connection but it is not revealed until the end. There is beautiful warmth, heart breaking sadness and a surprise ending that brings joy and hope.

I have not read any of the other books in the series but this story worked fine as a stand alone. I am definitely interested in reading other stories by Ms. Strauss. I highly recommend this as a lovely, quick, Christmas story that will touch your heart and bring hope out of sadness.

I received this for blog tour and an honest review.

Buy Links:

Lee is also giving away an original Christmas song for every preorder. If you preorder the novella and fill out this form, you’ll get the song. 

About Lee Strauss: Lee Strauss writes romantic mixed genres set in the past, present and future for YA and adult readers. She also writes light and fun stuff as Elle Strauss. She divides her time between BC, Canada and Dresden, Germany, and enjoys drinking coffee and eating chocolate in both places. Find out more at
Twitter: @elle_strauss
YouTube channel
Ends 11/18/2014
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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