
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sharing Beyond Books #167 Comment Giveaway September 6, 2014

Hello again on Saturday night and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB!
This has been a short week because day off results in pushing the rest of the week to catch up.

Thanks to everyone who commented last week.
Ten out of 19 people do not use the snooze either because it is not a function on their alarm, they don't use an alarm or they are morning people like scottsgal and fredamans (who jumps out of bed like a Pop Tart!). Five of us use the snooze fairly regularly and another four use it on rare occasions.

The Winner from SBB #166 comments is: #3 SarahM who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the ARC/Review titles, Christmas titles or Love titles - all linked near the end of the post.  Please let me know your choice by completing the (new) WINNER FORM.

WEEK #167 (One Question.)

Q1. Alyn asks: Do you remember the first book you did not finish??
A: Really?? I'm lucky to remember the last book I did not finish. And that was only two weeks ago. I had so much trouble starting an audio book I even forgot to list it on my Monday Reading Post. Now I don't remember the name of the book and would have to go look it up. There is also a paperback on the book shelf in my 'throne'room that I started at the beginning of the year that probably will end up in the next giveaway box. It was too risque and not for me.  It is only recently that I decided that not all books are worth finishing. As a guess, the first book I DNF was War and Peace.

That is a good saying but I have come to agree with other readers that 
sometimes there are books that need to be passed on.
Image found at

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! We still have a supply of questions but from the same people so hopefully others will send more in -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify to use.

Your turn to share:

Q1. Alyn asks: Do you remember the first book you did not finish??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Valentine and "Love" books, the Christmas Giveaway Books (this is the new link), or the June 2013 Newly Updated ARC/Review List.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on either of the two questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday September 13, 2014 at 5 PM  central.


  1. no, I don't remember the first book that I didn't finish.

  2. I am completely OCD when it comes to books. I can't handle DNF. I just, i dunno, i can't! but that being said, I have before, and it's been rough, because eventually I cant handle the pressure and I finish it just to say it's been finished, ugh. BUT I can defin answer this.

    The Bible.

    I got it into my head when I was 11 years old, after going to see a play at my church, I started going to church. So I was going to read the bible, front to back. I got maybe a quarter of the way through it before I gave up. When I was about 22, I started it again, and about the same amount of time, I gave up again. A few years ago, I got ahold of a copy of the bible that has the KJV and then the updated in todays language, and read over half of it, and was going pretty well, when I just stopped. I haven't attempted it again or since. I think three tries is enough, maybe one day I will pick it up and actually read it, cause it's on my bucket list for books. But right now, I consider it a DNF.

    if we aren't counting the bible in this question/answer I do have a backup!

    when I was 13, I read this book called Death from child abuse..and no one heard. A true story about a girl in florida that died from child abuse, and it was told in her point of view. I got about halfway through it, got so physically ill and upset from it, I couldn't do it, I threw the book away. and there are very little printed copies out because it was a local publisher, so I havent been able to find it since in local stores, nor do I really have the desire to.

  3. Can't remember the first most definitely but one of the most shocking ones was To Kill A Mockingbird. Just couldn't get into it. But I think I'll still give it a shot in a couple of years. Probably too into YA books at the moment.

  4. I couldn't possibly remember my first DNF. There have been quite a few over the years, which is kind of sad really.

  5. I don't remember...such a long time ago.

  6. I don't remember the name but do remember it was a romance novel that was over 600 pages long and I just couldn't get through it

  7. That's a tough question. According to Goodreads, where I've tracked every book I've read since 2010, the first book I DNF'd was Calculating God by Robert J Sawyer. I remember being disappointed by it since I'm usually a huge RJS fan.

  8. Toooo long ago, I do not remember that one.

  9. they are some books i had difficulties to finish but so far i think i have always finished those i started even if it took me weeks ( i can be stubborn^^)

  10. Goodness, no. Way too long ago.

  11. I wish I could remember yesterday... lol.. sorry couldn't tell you about the first DNF.
    Congrats to Sarah!

  12. I don't remember the first book I didn't finish.

  13. it's rare that I don't finish a book, so I don't remember the first one. The last one was about the redhawks in NYC and that was at least 5 years ago


Your comments are always appreciated!