
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday Words of Encouragement July 6, 2014

Our Sunday School lesson continues in Revelation but our teacher often goes on very worthwhile rabbit trails. We have been studying Revelation 18 and 19 where there are "Hallelujahs", rejoicing in Heaven, over the destruction of Babylon. Our teacher has interpreted Babylon to be not necessarily a city but a system of evil, of idolatry.  God objects to idols that provoke jealousy (an idea from All In). Idols are anything that takes our focus and devotion away from God.

We want the blessings of God but the blessings should not be just to bring us material possessions. Blessings are to flow through to share with others. Are we reservoirs or conduits? Jesus says that if someone asks for your shirt, you should give them your coat too. Matthew 5:40. We need to share what we have. Most importantly we need to ask God each day: What do You want me to do today?

Pastor's sermon on Freedom went along with the Sunday School message.  'If Jesus sets you free, you are free indeed.' John 8:36. But freedom is a choice. We have to choose everyday to be free from sin. We also should realize that freedom is never free. Someone paid for it. Our country's freedom was paid for by the sacrifice of many warriors. Our freedom from sin was paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

I was looking for another song but, once again, was led to this awesome song that fits.
I Give Myself Away
Galatians 5:1 (NIV)
5 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

More and more, Lord, I feel you calling me to focus more fully on what is important in this life: obedience to Your Will.  I seek your strength to help me to have no other idols, to love my neighbor as myself; to serve by allowing you to use me. Let my freedom be found in following your example and serving while showing your love and light to others.

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