
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Words of Encouragement July 20, 2014

This morning our Sunday School leader, “G”, concluded his messages regarding idol worship. As part of that lesson he reminded us how important it is for us to share the blessings that God gives to us with others.

We have a men's group, which started at our church but now consists of men from seven different churches. The Band of Brothers meets every Tuesday morning for prayer, bible discussion and breakfast. The group has been experiencing a strong growth and outpouring to help others in the community. “G” shared a testimony of God at work in our midst and in a Haiti minister, “E”, who had visited our church over the past several weeks.

“E” came to the United States seeking work so he could provide for his family and church in Haiti. He was directed to some farm labor in our town but then injured his neck so was unable to continue that work. “G” was led to give some financial help to “E” at the end of Sunday evening service.  The next evening “G” discovered “E” walking along the alley by his home. He called out “My brother!” and embraced “E”. “E” was startled and explained that he was staying at the motel across the street and was walking and praying, seeking God’s guidance. The money that “G” had given him was a God-send as it paid the motel bill and purchased food. “G” invited “E” to join the men on Tuesday morning. “E” was impressed with the warm welcome he received from the men especially because he is a black man and in his country the blacks and whites do not mingle. That day “E” agreed to work with one of the men, a French Canadian. They spent two days in physical labor praising God in French!

“E’ came by to tell “G” that God had directed him to return to Haiti to share the amazing experience of faith he had here. “E” wants to give testimony of how God provided his needs through love from the body of believers. “E” now is convinced that God will provide for him when he returns home and shares this testimony.

Isn’t that an exciting witness of God’s hands at work? How could some argue that all of these pieces were merely ‘coincidence’ rather than the carefully orchestrated steps of God?

We had a US missionary speak and we celebrated communion during service. Pastor shared a brief but powerful message on communing with the body of Christ. Perhaps I will share more of these another time.

I had found one song on service but I kept looking.
I think this song is for "E" and maybe someone else who needs to be reminded that:
God Will Make A Way.
Verses for Today:
Galatians 5:13-14 NIV
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 

Lord, Thank You for reminding us that Your love is alive and moving in those who seek You and wish to serve You. Help me to be a better servant, to Your Glory.

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