
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sharing Beyond Books #132 Comment Giveaway, January 1, 2014

Hello again on Saturday night the first day of 2014 and Welcome to Sharing Beyond Books, SBB!
Thanks to everyone who commented on the last SBB post in 2013 and shared books you are looking forward to reading! Thanks also for your patience on the delay of this post. I have decided to just do one question for this post and I may do that in the future too.

Now.. on to SBB time.
Many commenters named Green Tea as their favorite. Three commenters do not drink herbal and/or hot tea. There were other interesting flavors but the most interesting one to me is "Red Rose Vanilla Biscotti Black Tea K-Cups for my Keurig," mentioned by Brooke. That is one I think I will try.

Fifteen of us shared the titles we are looking forward to reading. One book was named three times -  The King by J.R. Ward; and one  was mentioned twice: First Love by James Patterson.

The Winner from SBB #131 comments is: #15 CAROL L who can make a GC choice if international or book choice from the ARC/Review titles, Christmas titles or Love titles - all linked near the end of the post.  Please let me know your choice by completing the (new) WINNER FORM.

WINNER OF THE SPECIAL GIVEAWAY for book that you are looking forward to reading is:
#1 JESS1 who wants to read Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews (Bk 2 Kate Daniels series).
Jess - please fill in the Winner Form with your address for print book or if you already have this book then let me know if you want GC or PayPal for its value.
WEEK #132

Q1. bn100 asks: Is there anything specific you look for in reviews??
A: Good question. I look for details on action and comments on style of writing. I also note if there are comments on the extent of sexual content - sweet, steamy, hot or erotic.

Image - Review Icon found at

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! We are getting low on questions so hopefully you will send more in -- even if they are duplicates I'll weed through or try to modify to use. 

Thank you for Questions used in December which were submitted by: Winnie, Marjorie, Margaret and ElizabethL. choice is #4 so ElizabethL gets to pick a book or GC.

Your turn to share:

Q1. bn100 asks: Is there anything specific you look for in reviews??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the Valentine and "Love" books , the Christmas Giveaway Books, or the June 2012 Newly Updated ARC/Review List.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on either of the two questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made through Saturday January 4, 2014 at 5 PM  central.


  1. I always look for what they did not like about the book, because it gives me a better feel of what they truly thought of the book.

  2. I enjoy reading a balanced one - when its too gushing it becomes syrupy!!!!

    Wishing you all the very best for 2014.

  3. I always look to see if the reviewer liked it or not and their reasons for it. I also look for description of the lead character(s).

  4. I always look for details about profanity or explicit sex, and whether the ending is a cliffhanger. Those are all things I don't care for.

  5. I always look to see what he liked about it,I have a very selective taste of books!

  6. i love to see if there are details, important to me, that the blurb don't said for example i don't read m/m or f/f but some books have that kind of action and you would never know before hand if not for some good review.
    for me a good review is an honest one written the heart that you love or npt the book isn't important because the reason why you didn't like it is perhaps one that make me love a book.
    For example i want know if there is a cliffhanger or not since i want to avoid them ( if the book interest me i will wait until i have the next one before i start reading)

  7. I usually look for the author's writing style, character development, and the overall plot. If I'm considering to read a book, but the book description doesn't provide enough for me, then I tend to view at least one positive and one negative review to provide more insight.

    Thanks! Have a wonderful day! :)

  8. I look at the author, the cover and genre. If it's a genre I have no interest in reading I will skip the review but if it's a mystery or looks interesting I like reading to see what they liked and the storyline.

  9. I look to see if they explain why the liked/didn't like the book.

  10. I always look to see if the reviewer like it or not and what their reasons for it was.

  11. if the book has a cliffhanger, cheating, HEA

    Happy New Year!

  12. I like to know if the reviewer thinks the story is boring.

  13. I always read reviews on amazon, mostly to see if the book is boring, toooo many characters and sexual content, all of these I do not want in a book.

  14. I want to know why the reviewer rated the book as they did - what specifically did they love or hate or had a problem with - that helps me know if I might agree

  15. Congrats winners!

    When I read a review, I look for tidbits that I feel I haven't heard before. For example, recently in a review I was reading, the writer said 'if I haven't bullied you into reading this series yet....', and that really pulled me into the review. It also helped push me into adding it to my ever expanding wishlist.

  16. Wow, I'm thrilled to have won Magic Burns! I filled out the winner's form but wanted to comment here just in case it didn't go through.

    On reviews, I like to see what the reviewer liked and didn't care for in the story, if there is a HEA or cliffhanger, and if there are elements in the story that I don't care to read. Often times, what bothered a reviewer will help me know more about the story than one that say only how they loved it.

  17. I always look to see if there is a lot of explicit sex in the book because that turns me off. I also like to see if the reviewer liked the book or not and why.

  18. I don't look for anything specific, just a general overview.

  19. On Amazon, I read bad reviews to see why they didn't like the book. I also read reviews to see if there is mention of vampires, werewolves, explicit sex, excessive bad language or anything else I may not choose to read.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  20. I'll look out for the specific discussion on why a book works or doesn't work.


Your comments are always appreciated!