
Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's Monday What are You Reading? December 16, 2013

This meme starts at Book Journey!

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I had a busy week with several closings in the office and having to drive out to doctor appointments twice. I am still waiting for results of the new biopsy but we got good news that neither my sister nor I have the mutated cancer gene. 

I only finished four books (six if you count the two novellas in Lucky Harbor.  I only posted three reviews, (squeezing the third in today), and I posted a Bookblast Giveaway and a print Giveaway. 
I also posted the regular weekly memes and posts (except the Saturday Snapshot): Mailbox Monday, Friday Pick Giveaway,  Sharing Beyond Books Comment Giveaway and Sunday Words.

I finally did a little visiting earlier today. I have to keep working on that.
Thanks as always to all the nice people who visit me.

These were last week's posts:
Finished Reading:
1. eBook/Kindle

Lady In Disguise (The Langley Sisters)
by Wendy Vella
A sweet Regency romance with a bit of sizzle.
I'll post my review this week. 
Click on book title for full description.

2. eBook/Kindle

Christmas Wishes
by Wendy Vella
I enjoyed the other book so much
I jumped straight to this one.
This is a quick Christmas delight.
I'll post a review for this one this week too.
Book Description
Publication Date: December 8, 2013
Miss Hero Appleby distrusts noblemen, especially self-indulgent rakes like Lord Caruthers, however she was desperate for money to support the orphans in her care this Christmas, so it is to him she must go. Perhaps it had been wrong of her to point out his many faults so boldly, but the man drove her to distraction and all thoughts of lady-like behaviour disappeared in his infuriating presence.

Max didn't remember much of his first meeting with the annoying Miss Appleby, thanks to the after effects of one good drink too many. But he vaguely recalled he'd promised her something, just to get her out of his house so he could suffer in peace. Unfortunately peaceful was the last word to describe her as he found out the next day. She was unlike any woman he knew - opinionated and rude certainly, but she worked selflessly to provide for children that were not even of her blood. Max had believed himself incapable of emotion yet Hero was making him feel things that he had believed were long dead. Could his long forgotten Christmas wish really come true?

3. Print

Christmas in Lucky Harbor:
Simply Irresistible/The Sweetest Thing/
Two Bonus Short Stories
by Jill Shalvis
Shalvis delivers fun conflict as usual in the novel and two short stores. 
I'll post a review with giveaway later this week.  
Click on book title for full description.

4. Audio/MP3

Title: The New Space Opera 2
Editor: Gardner Dozois, Jonathan Stahan
Author: Various
Narrator: Various
I am on the last story;
About an hour left so I'll probably done
by Monday morning.
I hope to post a review this week.
Publisher/Date: Blackstone Audio, 09/01/13
Click on book title for full description.

Line Edits/Releases:
I have several print files to upload as soon as I get cover flats and final proofs.
Enter the bi-monthly drawings at eTreasures Publishing Facebook page.
This week's giveaway link: Gift Cards for the Holidays!

Currently reading:
1. eBook/Kindle

The Innkeeper of Bethlehem–The Story of Santa Claus 
by Scott Roloff
I am a third into this and so far it is an interesting fictionalized rendition of the birth and childhood of Jesus.
Reviewing for the author.
Book Description
Publication Date: September 28, 2013
A Christmas book for children, families, and anyone who has ever wondered how Santa Claus came to be. This book will permit you and your family to enjoy Santa Claus and the other secular customs of Christmas within the Christian celebration of Jesus’s birth. For little children, Santa Claus becomes a real person delivering presents to them from Jesus. Each Christmas season, reading a chapter a night will become a holiday tradition for the entire family.
[Description continues at link.]

2. eBook/Kindle

The Wanderers
by Cheryl Mahoney
I picked this title to read.
It is written by a blog friend author.
Book Description
Publication Date: November 13, 2013
Any wandering adventurer hoping to survive needs rules—and Jasper has many. There’s Rule #2: Never make plans; Rule #20: Never make a Good Fairy angry; and the surprisingly challenging Rule #18: Always travel alone.

The talking cat breaks Rule #18 badly enough. The witch’s daughter, desperate to escape her horrible mother, is even worse. Between them, they up-end Jasper’s previously simple life (when all he had to worry about was an occasional giant or dragon), and prove that sometimes, rules are no help at all.

You might recognize the countryside and you may think you know what to expect. But whether it’s a refined ogre, a youngest son in need of lots of questing help or a very dangerous Good Fairy, things here rarely go quite as the Brothers Grimm would tell it.

You’ve strayed beyond the tales…


Silver-White (The Great North Woods Pack #1)
by Shawn Underhill
I featured this in BookBlast and it sounded interesting.
Book Description
Publication Date: December 18, 2012
“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”
~ Robert Frost

*Evie’s family has been holding out on her …
Big time.
On an unexpected visit to her grandparents’ house in New Hampshire’s secluded North Woods, the sixteen-year-old literally runs into the truth of the long-hidden family secrets, and finds herself thrust without warning into the clandestine world of the Great North Pack—a wild and exhilarating world of rugged beauty, heart-pounding adventures, and long nights running under a sea of stars … but as she’s set to discover, a world also fraught with potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

I am really lagging but still listening to The Listener's Bible NIV read by Max McLean. [Reading and listening on MP3.] I have been remiss and not keeping up with daily reading with my DH.

Line Edits: I will still be finalizing four print releases/waiting for more cover flats.

I want to keep enjoying adding stories from my own TBR. :-) I have added a few titles to my current line up for December.
I didn't get caught up last week but my backlog for review is now four books and I hope to post four or five this week and then I'll be up to date again.

December Scheduled- done

  couple requests pending

   The Wanderers by Cheryl Mahoney - blog friend author (reading)
   Christmas on Main Street Anthology  - picked up at Kindle
   The Innkeeper of Bethlehem–The Story of Santa Claus by Scott Roloff  (reading)

AudioBook Jukebox 
    more being requested

From TBR Collection - Angel Christmas Anthology
Won Book - Carving Angels by Diane Stringam Tolley
Free Kindle/Nook or Smashwords: TBD


  1. What a nice assortment of books. All of them are new to me. Come check out my Monday Report if you get a chance. Happy reading and happy holidays!

  2. Awesome books as usual :) Enjoy the week... I am off to check out some of your links!

  3. I hope you receive good news on the health front.

    The Jill Shalvis book looks like something I'd enjoy. I've only read one of her Lucky Harbor books.

  4. The cover for Silver White looks great. Most of these books are new to me, but they sound intriguing.

    Take a look at what I'm reading this week.

  5. That is fabulous news.

    Have a terrific week,

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  6. The Innkeeper of Bethlehem looks nice, and curious about the space opera anthology too. Have a great week.


Your comments are always appreciated!