
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Words of Encouragement November 17, 2013

[As always, my comments are based on Pastor’s sermon with a bit of interpretation and/or summarizing from me.] 

This morning’s sermon was entitled A Night in the Hardrock Motel and was centered on Jacob’s story in Genesis 28.  Jacob was in trouble for stealing his brother’s blessing. Jacob’s mother, Rebekah,  convinced his father, Isaac, to send Jacob away, back to her family, to seek a wife. Jacob was in distress, estranged from his brother and father, in turmoil, away from home, fearful and worrying about selecting a wife.  As Jacob approached a certain place outside of his destination the sun was setting.  “Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep.” Genesis 28:11. The Lord appeared in Jacob’s dream; stood above him and made promises. Verse 12-14.

‘That place’ was a lonely, hard, rocky place... not a gentle, fertile valley.  When in a desert, dry place you can find vultures looming for death or hummingbirds looking for new life in the fresh flowers. One focused on what was the other looking to the present. Do you dwell on what was or take joy in what is?  Instead of accepting the hard place, let your rock be Jesus’ strength and peace. (1 Cor 10:4.)  Jesus brings calm, ‘Peace’, in trouble. Mark 4:37-38. 

When Jacob awoke he recognized the place as a place of God and he made a promise back that  ‘the Lord will be my God.’  We shouldn’t give up when we know God is on our side. Gen 28:13-17. Fear is a faith killer but Faith is a fear killer. Our purpose in life is not to “be comfortable” but to radiate God’s Love to glorify Him.

I set this song aside a few weeks ago but it fits today.
I trust and He is Faithful to give me peace and to never let go of me!

A Verse for Today:
Genesis 28:15 NIV)
15 “...I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

Thank you Lord for being there to calm us through the hard places until we are walking smoothly with You by trusting You!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I really think that was a good song choice for today's post.


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