
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Book #Review and ARC #Giveaway: The Magic of I Do by Tammy Falkner

A fun read especially for those who like a sensual focus.
The Magic of I Do
by Tammy Falkner

  • Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
  • Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (June 4, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1402268157
  • ISBN-13: 978-1402268151
Genre: Paranormal, Historical Romance
My Rating: 3.75 of 5.0

Book Description
Release date: June 4, 2013

Desperately Seeking Excitement...

With the temporary prohibition on magic on the land of the Fae, Claire Thorne might as well go back to the Regency world. The haut ton has just as many annoying rules as her world, but at least they have parties and dances. Plus, the roguish Lord Phineas "Finn" Trimble is there...

When the feisty faerie tumbles into his room through a magical portal, Finn can't believe how completely unpredictable she is. Even before the two stumble into a dangerous intrigue that threatens both their worlds, Finn discovers that his hitherto carefree life is about to go up in smoke...

Claire Thorne is a rather spoiled fairy. She has had an easy life in her fairy world but now that she is struggling with anger at her sister for marrying a human and for learning that her parents abandoned her as an infant and have lived in the human world since then. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t their fault that they broke the rules with their mixed human to fairy marriage and the fairy authorities took the fae children and wiped their memories. She still blames them for letting her be raised without the full benefit of family.

Her parents and sister’s family are visiting the fairy world and hoping to change the rules regarding the mixed marriage situation. During a temper fit Claire propels herself back to the human world into the bedroom of the handsome rouge, Lord Phineas. They had shared one night of passion when he was supposed to be keeping her safe for his brother, Robin, Claire’s brother-in-law. He should have protected her innocense but compromised her instead. She went along with it willingly enough but warned him that she wouldn’t fall in love with him and he mustn’t fall in love with her.

Well– that night has left its consequences and Claire is scared to tell anyone, fae or human, of her dilemma. But she needs to figure out a solution pretty quickly before her problem becomes obvious. She also needs to stay out of the reach of the smarmy, cruel Earl of Mayden who seeks revenge against Finn and Robin.

I wasn’t enthralled with either Claire or Finn in the early pages of the book as they seemed selfish and self-centered. Fortunately their characters became more complex, softer, more loyal and likeable as the story progressed. I did like Claire’s magical gift through her art and thought that was a good touch.

I have to say though that a big part of this story is the sexual pull and play between Claire and Finn. I waited about half the book hoping there would be a larger plot. There is the danger posed by Mayden and a bit of the history of Claire’s family, but it is the smaller part of the whole presentation. The writing is light and sassy and this is an easy read. There was just too much emphasis on sex for my tastes.

This was the second in a series but read fine without having read the first book. This would be good for readers who like their romance centered on the sensual story of the romance.

Here is where the danger begins:
   “What the devil do you think you’re doing?” Finn hissed as he circled around her.
   “Dancing, my lord.”...
   “Don’t play with that man, Claire,” he warned.
   Claire had no intention of playing with the earl. She intended to expose him. To ease some of Finn’s burden, if she could. He deserved a life free of men who wanted to do him harm. She could want to do him harm all day long, but no one else could hurt him, blast it all. Page 158.
I received this book from Sourcebooks for an honest review.

Don't forget to fill in the form for entry! 
I have noticed a few commenters who forgot to enter through the Form. 
For 3 Extra Bonus entries Visit the author's website and tell me something you find of interest.

* This contest is open to those with US or CANADA address.
* This contest will close 10 PM (Central) on June 30, 2012.
The winner will be randomly selected from all entries.
Winners will have 72 hours to respond by email or the winners form linked in the announcement.


  1. This is a first time for me to read about fairy. I haven't gotten the chance to read the first book in the series yet since I've been busy reading the new release books first. But the review makes me want to read it. With what you said Claire being a spoiled fairy, it would be interesting to see how she turns out in the end. Thanks for the giveaway

  2. I like how Tammy is a huge fan of Regency England and that she often wonders what other kinds of magical, mythical and strange creatures might live and interact within the ton.

  3. The interesting thing I saw was she's the other half of the writing team Lydia Dare. I'm looking forward to this book because I always enjoy reading about the Fae.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  4. I didn't not know that Tammy wrote as Lydia Dare :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. I learned that Tammy lives on a farm in rural North Carolina, and her husband is a beekeeper. Neat!

  6. I see that Tammy also writes as Lydia Dare - I think it's so interesting when authors write under different names and I always wonder how they pick those names.

  7. That she has lots of cats and dogs.

  8. I think it's neat her husband is her hero! :)

  9. She is a huge fan of Regency England.


Your comments are always appreciated!