
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sharing Beyond Books #94 Comment Giveaway April 6, 2013

Hello, Welcome to SBB.

Our weather is still on the cool side but there are lots of signs of spring in the air -- especially pollen!

Thank you to all who shared last week.

I loved the different childhood books that were shared. Nancy Drew got four mentions and Enid Blyton got three. I had to look up Enid Blyton and those look like great books for kids. The Little House series also got several mentions. I had almost forgotten the Dick and Jane books mentioned by Carol L! And nrlymrtl picked the Choose Your Own Adventure books. I really loved those too but they were books I purchased for my kids. :-)

Interestingly, the items mentioned purchased most for the Easter weekend were chocolate and books. Commentors purchased items for others more than themselves. Several had Easter dinners or breakfast.
The Winner from SBB #93 comments is: #8 nrlymrtl, who can make a book choice from the ARC/Review titles, Christmas titles or Love titles - all linked near the end of the post. Please let me know your choice by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #94 Questions

Q1. Abby asks: Do you exercise??
A: We-eelll. I try to exercise and need to do more! I use a stationary bicycle for up to half an hour two to three times a week -- when I am being good. During spring to fall months I fast walk 2 miles if I get into the practice of it. During the summer I try to swim about once a week. I like to listen to audiobooks while doing walking or cycling and often wish I could think of a way to listen while swimming!
Image found at Cartoon Sample Gallery.

Q2. My bookish Question this week: Do you look at/post/like cover reveals??
A: I barely have time to post and look at memes and book reviews. I just don't have time to post or visit on cover reveals. However sometimes it is fun when authors show alternative covers.  
Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! We can always use fresh questions.
I forgot last week to announce the Question Contributor winner for March: Those whose questions were used were: MaryP, nrlymrtl, Becky, Carol L and Emily. picked #5 so Emily gets a book pick or GC.

Your turn to share:

Q1. Abby asks: Do you exercise??

Q2. My bookish Question this week: Do you look at/post/like cover reveals??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the new Valentine and "Love" books  or the new Christmas Giveaway Books. Also I have added the Updated ARC/Review List now.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, April 12, 2013 at 10 PM central.


  1. I should exercise, but don't. No excuses except I don't have enough motivation.

    I like posting and seeing cover reveals. They are simple to post, and fun to read.

  2. 1. Excuse me while I look up the word "exercise" in my dictionary ... *gulps in shock* I would NEVER do such a horrible thing!? Joking aside, I'm really not into sports. At all. I do walk a lot, but I guess that's generally a European thing with small distances and all.

    2. I don't care for cover reveals at all, especially when some book covers are suddenly all over the blogosphere at the same time.

  3. 1. I usually walk on a treadmill, as well as swim in the sea...sometimes a swimming pool. :)

    2. I don't post cover reveals, but I read other blogs that do so.

  4. 1. My exercise is a daily walk with my hubby!.

    2. Except for that compare covers between the U.S. and the U.K., I skip reading cover reveals.


  5. 1. I do Zumba 2-3 times a week (twice a week in class, once a week on the Wii), and yogo 1-2 times a week. I also do a bit a strength a few times a week and love walking my dog.
    2. I like looking at cover reveals, but I don't actively seek them out or post them myself.

  6. Q1: I don't exercise like I did when I was younger and lived near my mom. I used to go for walks almost every night. Now the only exercise I get is at work depending if I'm walking from one area to another area and back.
    Q2: I love seeing the cover reveals and reading if the author like it themselves or if had any say in how the cover will look.

  7. 1: I exercise if you count taking dance classes. I don't exercise in a gym though.

    2: I don't really follow them, but if I stumble across one I will check it out. :)

  8. First, thank you! This is my second win on your blog. Hooray!

    I try to exercise and when I am in the habit, I enjoy it. But since ankle surgery in Feb. I have not been in the habit. Naughty me.

    I don't pay too much attention to cover reveals, but I do like seeing alternative covers - especially foreign covers. Very interesting what appeals where.

  9. 1) not a lot becaus eit's hard to find something i cando with my health

    2) sometimes but i get easily bored when all the book i folllow post teh same cover at the same time

  10. I walk for exercise and continue to do my postop leg exercises for my knee replacement. And, I use my exercycle.

    I really don't pay much attention to cover reveals. They are just pictures to me.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  11. 1. I walk every day. I walk for pleasure & to run errands. We rarely use the car.

    2. I don't actually seek out cover reveals, but if I come across them I will have a look.

  12. 1. I don't exercise but I love to go for a walk.

    2. No to cover reveals.

  13. Q1. Abby asks: Do you exercise?? I don't exercise, but I need to! The most exercise I get is chasing around my 19 month old. :)

    Q2. My bookish Question this week: Do you look at/post/like cover reveals?? I do post cover reveals, and I like to look at them if they are in a genre I am interested in.

  14. sometimes look at cover reveals, but only like them if they include a blurb

  15. I have not exercised much over the winter but with spring here I am going on daily walks and it feels great!

    I do not look at cover reveals.


  16. I really try to exercise but months go by and I just get too busy!!!!
    I look at cover reveals and have posted some on my blog. Cover art can be really exceptional!


  17. 1. I ride a stationary bike because it is the only thing I can do with my horrible knees.

    2. I will occasionally look at them but they don't influence my purchases.

  18. Q1. Okay....I have a stationary bike but rarely use it. I am a lazy bum no doubt about it. The only exercise I like is brain exercise. Read: reading!

    Q2. I do look at them. Sometimes just out of curiosity. But I don't post them. I can't keep up!

  19. 1 - not much - I used to go to the local Curves, but stopped going & then it closed
    2 - I look at them & take note if it's a favorite author


Your comments are always appreciated!