
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sharing Beyond Books #92 Comment Giveaway March 23, 2013

Hello, Welcome to SBB.
Ah - Saturday night. It's been a busy week back in the office. I had sort of a relaxing day today, taking my DH to a pot luck for afternoon socializing. I hope everyone else is doing well.
Thank you to all who shared last week.

I think Carol may have been surprised how few of you had read the Outlander series. If you like a Scottish hero, action and romance that reaches across time then you should enjoy this series. I think I will have to see The Spartans (suggested by nrlymrtl) to check those actors.

I guess I like more flowers than I realized as I kept agreeing with all the suggestions. :-) Roses got the most votes with 6, tulips were next with 4 and lilacs were chosen by 3.
The Winner from SBB #91 comments is: #20 Carol L, (fitting she wins on her own question!) who can make a book choice from the ARC/Review titles, Christmas titles or Love titles - all linked near the end of the post. Please let me know your choice by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #92 Questions

Q1. Becky asks: What are some questions you ask yourself when you're thinking of buying a book?
A:  When thinking about buying a book I consider a) if I like previous titles by the author; b) if I like the genre; c) if I like the blurb; d) if I think the heat level is acceptable; e) is the price acceptable and f) will I be able to fit reading it in my schedule ... sooner or later!
Image found at Taylor Books.

Q2. My non-bookish Question this week: What is your favorite juice?? (Guess I'm on a 'favorites' roll.)
A: My favorite juice may change from time to time. I used to like orange juice; then V8; but right now I like apple juice as it seems to give me some energy if I am really hot and tired.  
 Image found at My Health Master.

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! We can always use fresh questions.

Your turn to share:

Q1. Becky asks: What are some questions you ask yourself when you're thinking of buying a book??

2. My non-bookish Question this week: What is your favorite juice??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the new Valentine and "Love" books  or the new Christmas Giveaway Books. Also I have added the Updated ARC/Review List now.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, March 29, 2013 at 10 PM central.


  1. 1. Most importantly I ask myself the question whether I'll enjoy the book - that is followed by other considerations such as book pricing and the size of my current TBR stacks.

    2. I love apple juice.

  2. Thanks for the win Martha.
    1. The first thing I think of is which of my auto buy Authors has a book I haven't read or is just coming out. Then it's the Blurb and actually the mood I'm in. :)

    2.I'm a big Pepsi drinker but I love the V8 Splash Strawberry/kiwi and Pina Colada mixed with a little seltzer. It's what 'm using to get off the Pepsi addiction.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  3. 1) the uestion i think is will i get the complete series . and 2 would it be better to buy the french edition or the english one ( oki those come after i've been interested in a book, checked the summary etc)

    2) favourite juice: rasperries/appels

    thank you a lot

  4. 1. If I like the premise and if I like the author's previous body of work.

    2. Watermelon!

  5. I always start with a question about whether the cover peaks my attention, or at least tells me about the book. Then I read the summary and ask if I like it, and whether it seems to be part of a series.

    My favourite juice is orange juice, no pulp.

  6. 1) Have I read this author? Does it look like the plot is good?

    2)Orange juice

  7. 1. This is vexing question! Right now I am trying not to buy, I only add them to my wish list. But when I do buy, I read the reviews and decide if any of the reviewers said something about the book that I would really like. An example is has quirky characters. I also am pretty ecletic. One thing that a lot of people don't do is check the size of print. If the print is too small, I won't get myself to read it because it is too painful for my eyes. If it does have small print, then I consider a e-book version. Also, it is very rare for me to buy something that is above the $10 range.

    2.Aloe Vera juice because it is refreshing and it good for me!


  8. 1. I don't really ask myself questions when buying a book other than "do I want this?"
    2. White Grape Peach!

  9. The author (some are auto buys), what were the reviews like, the genre & the price.

    My fav juice is guava.

  10. 1. I consider the genre, author, book summary, etc.

    2. I enjoy a variety of fruit juices, especially apple-cranberry and forest fruits.

  11. 1) How much is it? Will my husband kill me if I buy another book? LOL

    2) I love Pink grapefruit and orange juice

  12. In deciding on a new book, I like to read the blurb to see there is at least one character I will connect with - I really enjoy fantasy, SF, mythology, and more - but if all the characters are in their teens and have these hugely exaggerated super powers, I get a little turned off. Give me some flawed characters, and I am happy.

    I don't drink juice often, but when I do, I usually choose a cherry or berry and mix it with bubbly water to make it a fun treat.

  13. Q1: I don't make much money so IF I buy a book, it has to be something that I can use for research or a book that I love to read over and over.

    Q2: Fave juice is Pineapple Grapefruit juice. Do they still make it?? lol

    I follow NB with Cynthia Clubbs. Thank you:)))

  14. Q1. Will it be a book I will want to read time & again? The author, cost, genre.

    2. I love pineapple juice - icy cold.

  15. If there's a cliffhanger, cheating, or a triangle, I won't read/buy those books

  16. My main question is if the blurb is something that catches my attention. Then, I ask to myself if I can afford it. I just think in those questions and if it's a double yes, I buy it.

    Ohh.. I LOVE ORANGE JUICE. But I love peach juice too!

  17. 1. I usually read the back of the book to see if it sounds good to me or if it is an author I know I like I just buy it.

    2. Orange juice and cranberry juice.

  18. 1. I read the blurb and if it sounds good I buy it. If I like an author I buy their books.

    2. I bought some cranberry/raspberry juice last week, it's delicious.

  19. 1. I usually only buy books from my favorite authors and get the rest from the library. I base a book on author, back cover and blog reviews.

    2. Dole's strawberry, banana, orange juice

  20. I buy a book if it is part of a series and I have enjoyed the others. I also like mysteries and Amish fiction by favorite authors. Sometimes I just get a book on a whim and I'm often pleasantly surprised how good the book is!

    My favorite juice is either orange or grapefruit juice.

  21. Q1. How high it is on my wishlist, is it part of a series I am collecting, any promos, fave author, did my fave book bloggers give it good reviews (new books)

    2. Apple, orange, grape, berries....I am a fruit lover so most juices are fine. Except pineapple.

  22. 1 - I check if it's part of a series (if it is but it's not the first book in the series I won't get it til I read them in order).

    3 - depends on my mood & if I'm drinking it with something - but I mostly drink these ones - orange, pineapple, apple & cider

  23. Q1: I look at the cover, but also read the back and/or the blurb inside to see if it is something that I would be interested in reading it.
    Q2: Normally it is orange or apple, but once in a while I will drink grape and a strawberry/banana flavor.


Your comments are always appreciated!