
Friday, March 22, 2013

Saturday Snapshot (March 23, 2013) Early Spring

I forgot to add one last picture related to our Hawaii trip. I always bring the 'home' family a little something.  Here are my Florida Grandchildren modeling their Hawaiian clothing gifts. :-)

Our weather has been strange, warming up then getting cold again.
Here are our little Hyacinth on January 30th

Below are some of the finches that we feed during in winter.
The shots were taken in early February. 
They aren't too good as they are all taken through screened windows.

This is one I call Woody The Woodpecker for obvious reasons!

The cardinals are out now but I haven't gotten their picture yet.

Thanks again to all the nice people who have commented on my Saturday pictures. I am so sorry I have not been getting to return the visits. :-(

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.


  1. Great shots! Especially love the colorful children; they look very happy in their clothing.


  2. Love those outfits on your grandchildren and hooray for signs of Spring! I'm definitely ready for Spring to stick around!

    Here's my SATURDAY SNAPSHOT post.

  3. Your grandchildren look very pleased with their gifts.

    The hyacinths are gorgeous!

  4. I still wear the Hawaiian shirt my brother brought back from Hawaii for me a decade ago -- best gift ever! It makes me think happy thoughts about Hawaii even though I've never been there.

    We're getting snow again, today, apparently, so it's hard to think it's really spring.

  5. Wonderful photos ... all of them. Your grandchildren are adorable. We see the Pileated Woodpecker too in our neck of the woods, but not Cardinals. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love the Hawaiian fashion show. And woody, great shots.

  7. Your grandchildren look like they are enjoying modeling their new clothes. I haven't spotted a woodpecker in my yard for awhile. Nice to see one on your blog!

  8. What a great mix of shots. Love that Hawaiian shirt. And your birds of course- I would love to see a woodpecker.

  9. Our weather here (foothills of NC) has been crazy. Last Saturday was in the upper 70's. I sat at the pool and read for three hours--today-- 28 this morning with a fire in in the woodstove.

  10. The colourful gifts are lovely. No Snapshot from me this week, because I only got back from Mum's yesterday, but I like to see what everyone is doing!


Your comments are always appreciated!