
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Book Review: Three Sisters (Emily Castles Mysteries) by Helen Smith

Great, quick mystery with irony and humor.
Three Sisters (Emily Castles Mysteries)
by Helen Smith

  • File Size: 142 KB
  • Print Length: 44 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Tyger Books (February 5, 2011)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B004M5HK0M
Genre: Mystery
My Rating: 4.0 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: February 5, 2011
"Fast-paced, funny, and mysterious." Socrates' Book Reviews
Three Sisters introduces twenty-six-year-old amateur sleuth Emily Castles in this popular new British mystery series.
Emily has been invited to a party in the big house at the end of her street in London. How could she know, as she left her house that evening, that she was making an appointment with death?
Readers of M C Beaton or Alexander McCall Smith will enjoy discovering a new mystery author in this entertaining 70-page novella.
"Fast-paced and unusual, I highly recommend this one." Eva's Sanctuary
"It grips you from the very beginning." Books Bistro

Emily has recently gotten over the death of her elderly dog. She was there when he drew his last breath and the life went out of his eyes. Emily needs to break out of her sadness and agrees to attend a neighborhood party to celebrate All Hallow’s Eve and Guy’s Fawkes Bonfire night.

There is a troupe of entertainers who have set up in an old house down the street. Emily is intrigued by some of the ‘play acting’ that is going on. She wanders along to a room where twins are dressing while a pile of knives lays on the bed.  They are angry when they realize that a young woman, Midori, who is to be the DJ, has exited their bathroom and when they see Emily at the door.

Later in the evening Midori gets sick and has to go home. Emily is concerned about several of the ‘performers’ and feels an unease. Then she witnesses the twins in their knife throwing act when a knife ends in the chest of one of the girls. A little while later the girl appears alive but Emily is sure that she saw the life go out of her eyes just like her beloved dog. Emily seeks help from her friend Dr. Muriel and they try to puzzle out the situation as others around them claim that it was all an act. But to Emily it seemed all too real and there are certain guests she doesn't trust.

I really enjoyed the quirky and unusual characters. The mystery is different with some twists woven in a fun story. This is skillfully written with evocative descriptions. If you like cozy mysteries I think you would enjoy these quick, fun stories.
Emily walking in the dark:
She wanted to say to Joe that being in the dark was like being deep underwater, not being able to hear or turn round quickly enough to see the predator behind you.  Location 465.
I received this ebook for an honest review during Bookblast tour. 
PLEASE SEE THE NEXT POST FOR REVIEW OF SHOWSTOPPERS AND A GIVEAWAY LINK. Also there is a BookBlast Giveaway if you haven't already entered that. 

Tour Schedule


  1. Thank you for your wonderful reviews for my books. I really appreciate it.

    Have a good weekend

  2. This book sounds like something that I would enjoy reading. I've added it to my list to get. Thanks for sharing this review with us!


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