
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Winners: Godspeed A Love Story and The Reluctanct Countess

Giveaways Ending 1/18/13

Giveaway: Godspeed: A Love Story by Dan Chabot
Print-US; eBook Gift-International.

Winner Print: John Dallal

Winner eBook: Mary Preston


Giveaway of The Reluctant Countess
1 Print; 3 NetGalley Copies.

Winner Print: Dione Sage

Winners Netgalley Copies:  Lisa C, Barbara E and Veronica

John, Mary, Lisa, Barbara and Veronica Please fill in the Winner's Acceptance Form or email me at mesreads AT to confirm the win and I will arrange the mailing and downloads.  Please reply within 72 hours!
Thank you to all who entered these giveaways. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats winners.
    Years ago I used to bake cookies during the Holidays with the kids to give as gifts. They loved arranging them and tying the containers with ribbons and decorations. Now a days I just bake for family and close friends. And that alone is a job having 7 adult children their mates and the grandkids. :)
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com


Your comments are always appreciated!