
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Words of Encouragement January 27, 2013

We didn't make it to church this morning. I woke right before my alarm at 7:30 but went back to bed after taking a morning round of juice, Mucinex and Ibuprofen. We didn't wake again until 10:30! So I guess we needed the sleep.  I took another round of 'meds' a few minutes ago and thought I'd do a bit of a post while drinking some nice hot tea.

As noted on my What Are You Reading? posts each Monday, I am reading The One Year Bible (NLT). I was a little behind but I covered the readings for 1/26 and 1/17 today. I marvel at little lines in the old testament that identify and foretell of Jesus! Also, it is warming how well the four readings fit together. Today the readings are:
Exodus 4:1 - 5:21 The Lord has heard the suffering cries of his people, Israel. God has to convince Moses to go to Pharaoh to seek the release of the Israelite people.
Matthew 18:1-20 Jesus tells his disciples that we must be humble, like little children, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Verse 7 He says: "What sorrow awaits the world because it tempts people to sin."
Psalm 22:19-31 David evokes praises to the Lord from all the descendants of Israel for God did not turn His back on the needy. "His righteous act will be told to those not yet born. They will hear everything He has done." Verse 31.
Proverbs 5:15-21 We are admonished to share our love only with our spouse; not be tempted by immorality for the Lord sees clearly what a man does.

I love to see the thread of God's love and righteousness and His provision of salvation - for all who call on Him - that runs from beginning to end in His Word, the Bible.

I found this song a week or two ago and it goes well for today.
Not that I feel forsaken because I never do, but I am thankful that I can seek His healing touch.

Verses for Today:
Psalm 107:19-21 (NLT)

19 “Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
    and he saved them from their distress.
20 He sent out his word and healed them,
    snatching them from the door of death.
21 Let them praise the Lord for his great love
    and for the wonderful things he has done for them.

Through all of the passages above I see a Great and loving God who will never abandon His children. Though I am not one of His original chosen people, I was chosen to be adopted through the Grace of His love and the gift of His son, my savior, Jesus. Thank you, Lord.

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