
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sharing Beyond Books #82 Comment Giveaway January 12, 2013

Hello, Welcome to SBB and Welcome to 2013!
I hope everyone had a good week. I had an easy going day getting my hair cut and doing some fun shopping before I went to the office.

Thank you to all who shared last week.

Most of us have post some reviews and I was glad to see that many of you try to post to Goodreads, Amazon and some other forums too. Four of the commenters do not post reviews and I believe do not have blogs.  Another four didn't reply so I am assuming they don't post.  Most of those who do blog will write on books we didn't enjoy but we try to be specific why we didn't like it.

I suppose it is not so surprising that most of us readers had quiet New Years Eves - most of us celebrated with a Whimper or a Snore. :-) Several had dinners or parties at home and Scottsgal did enjoy a neighborhood party and some fireworks. It sounds like nrlymrtl had the most romantic with her man - a nice dinner, wine and kissing. Nice!


The Winner from SBB #81 comments is: #8 Elizabeth. There are still 5 'love' books to pick from and new Christmas choices. Elizabeth please choose a book (or GC if international) from the remaining five Love Books List for Giveaway, the new Christmas Giveaway Book list, OR pick from the Updated ARC/Review List and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.   [I hope to add some additional Christmas books, Valentine titles and ARCs to the books available in the next week or so.]

WEEK #82 Questions

Q1. My bookish Question this week: Why do you read? For escape, enlightenment, entertainment, other??
I definitely read for relaxation and entertainment although sometimes I like to be enlightened.:-) I don't think of it as escapism although there are some titles that could take me out of the current reality. But not often as I have too much to do to get totally lost in reading.

Image found at Loyolan.

Q2. Elizabeth asks this week: What was your favorite present received in December (Christmas or other celebration)??
A: I'd have to say mine was our trip to Hawaii, the cruise and seeing our son, d-i-l and brand new baby! Also, our daughter cleaned our house while we were gone so that was extra special too. My DH received Bose noise cancelling headphones for the flight back and those made him VERY happy (which contributes to my happiness).

Grandmom (me) and Baby Victoria

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! I STILL HAVE A GROUP OF QUESTIONS AVAILABLE BUT THEY ARE FROM ABOUT FOUR PEOPLE SO SOME OF YOU MAY WANT TO ADD A QUESTION OR TWO! We can always use fresh questions.

Your turn to share:

1. My bookish Question this week: Why do you read? For escape, enlightenment, entertainment, other??

2. Elizabeth asks this week: What was your favorite present received in December (Christmas or other celebration)??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining Valentine and "Love" books (5 left) or the new Christmas Giveaway Books. Also I have added the Updated ARC/Review List now.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, January 18, 2013 at 10 PM central.


  1. 1. I read mostly for enjoyment and you could say there's a bit of escapism involved there too; but I also love to read to learn new things which is why I am very fond of non fiction.

    2. My best present last year, Christmas to be specific, are tickets for my next vacation to Scotland/England, yay! I have the bestest Mom of all! :-)

  2. ^^ Victoria is so cute^^

    1) i read for escape and entertainment
    2) my favourite present is a calendar, a blogger friend i met last year and me decided to do our own kind of christmas exchange ( because i've a tendencu to do too much and we are both european so it hemps after all i send nearly7kilos^^;;) in the gifts she offered me was a calendar she did herself with pictures she took ( she is so talented) and books quotes i was really touched by this gift

  3. Congrats to the winners.
    I guess i read for various readers. One is being able to leave the realities and stress of life in general and read a great HEA story. :) But I do love to be informed as well.
    Sounds crazy but one of the best gifts for me were the GCs I got to buy more books and 6 Yankee Candles. I absolutely LOVE scented Yankee Candles. :)
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  4. 1. I read for stress-relief; nothing relaxes me more than getting absorbed in a good story.
    2. My husband got my a gift certificate so I could pick out my own bike! Now I just have to decide which one I want.

  5. I started reading to escape. But with time I kept reading for entertain myself, to relax and enjoyment. About my favorite present.. I received a Kindle from my boyfriend. It wasn't for celebrating something, he just gave it to me. I was really excited, but thing is.. I'm too silly with electronical devices so my Kindle died a couple of months ago. So sad. Now I'm saving for another!

  6. Mostly I read to relax. Sometimes I read to educate myself on something I want to learn. Honestly, if I relaxed anymore I'd be comatose.

    I have a very small family and only got one present so that's my favorite present. (This year I didn't buy myself a present). I got a Blu-Ray DVD player. Pretty cool.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  7. I love to read because it provides me an escape for my imagination and allows me to imagine other worlds and creatures.

  8. 1. for fun
    2. gift cards

    Cute pic

  9. 1. I read because I enjoy it so much

    2. fave gift was a diamond necklace from hubby
    msboatgal at

  10. 1. I read for the joy of it. Certainly I am entertained & educated, but reading is like breathing, something I can't live without.

    2. For Christmas I received the most delicious bath products from my daughter. I have some of the soaps in my linen cupboard, so my bed sheets & towels smell great too.

  11. 1. I read for enjoyment - it entertains me, it takes me away to other worlds, it can make me laugh

    2. for Christmas I received my annual family photo calendar and a photo mug featuring my new great-nephew - I smile everytime I look at that sweet little face

  12. 1. I read to find an escape sometimes but mostly for enjoyment. Reading takes you to another horizon and I like to get blissfully lost in it sometimes.

    2. I got a ton of books as presents and I'm still not satisfied. lol :)

  13. 1. I read for enjoyment and to escape.
    2. My favorite gift was my new coat.

  14. I read for enjoyment & to relax. There's nothing better than to curl up with a good book with a HEA at the end. (INTL)

  15. 1. I enjoy reading, and now it's mostly for entertainment and relaxation.

    2. My favorite gift was an iPod touch, which I use to read ebooks. :)

  16. I read for fun or enlightenment (if possible). This past December, the best gift was the card game Munchkin, because my man will actually play it with me....and even enjoy himself!

  17. I read for enjoyment, entertainment, and to experience something outside my normal life.

    My favourite gift was 50lb of hamburger from my butcher step-dad. It makes a huge difference in my grocery bill, and I know it's great quality meat.

  18. 1. I read for escape and entertainment. Books are the closest I get to traveling!

    2. My favorite gift was new towels for all of my bath rooms. My old ones were nearly 15 years old. They are so soft and exactly what I wanted.

  19. 1. All of the above. But books are my best friends since young too. It's escapism.

    2. Borders vouchers! yes, we still have Borders here. I got a Samsung Tab for my bday this month!

  20. My reasons always vary depending on my mood. Sometimes I read for entertainment or relax and sometimes I even read to escape from reality.

  21. My best present this year was my Barnes and Nobles gift cards! I love picking out books!

  22. I read for pure enjoyment. I love to read and escape into another place and time. So. Fun!

    Best present - my son moving back home from Georgia

  23. My best present was a picture of all 5 of my grandchildren together.

  24. 1-Escape and inspiration
    2-My best present is enjoying meals on my birthday with family altogether.(December)


Your comments are always appreciated!