
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sharing Beyond Books #80 Comment Giveaway December 29, 2012

Hello and Welcome to another SBB!

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and received at least one surprise gift. :-)
 It's the last Saturday of 2012! Are you ready for 2013??
Thank you to all who shared last week.

Many of us are reading both ebooks and print but the print book is still preferred by the greater majority - 11 out of 18 commenters. Even though many of us do like the convenience of our e-readers, we still 'prefer' print books! Many commented they like the "smell" of print books. :-)

There didn't seem to be any really special gift expectations among us. Several people were hoping to get Books or GCs. Some were hoping for beauty products or perfume. It was nice that Linda already got a handbag she wanted as a special gift from her sister, Di got a special framed photo to give to her sister and nrlymrtl made homemade jams and jellies which sounds like a very nice gift.


The Winner from SBB #79 comments is: #12 Tore. There are still 5 'love' books to pick from and new Christmas choices. Tore please choose a book (or GC if international) from the remaining five Love Books List for Giveaway, the new Christmas Giveaway Book list, OR pick from the Updated ARC/Review List and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #80 Questions

Q1. Di asks a great question for the start of a new year: Since we are going into a new year - how about - what one time project do you hope to complete in 2013? It could be attending a class for a new skill, redo the kitchen, travel to a unique place to visit??
This is hard to answer as I have to think of a "one time project" and most of my plans would be (or could be ) more than once. But I did think of one that would most likely happen only once during the year! LOL
While we were away our daughter and a friend came in and did a BIG cleaning job on our house. They threw out a lot and bagged lots of things for GoodWill. But they didn't get to my closet or my husband's. So - I want them to return to be ruthless with me in clearing out our dresser drawers and closet! I plan on using big bag for throw away and big boxes for donate!
Image found at The Upside of Downsizing.

Q2. My  book question this week: Which would you choose to review: A new to you author or favorite author??
A: I am facing this dilemma as I work up my 2013 review scheduling plan. I have read so many new authors over the past three years that I am missing some old favorites. I do tend to pick more "new to me authors" for review choices. So my solution will be to include at least one favorite author book each month to help me get in some TBR collections! ... Bottom-line:  my choice is --- both. *smile*
 This image fits, don't you think?
The old song: "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold."
Image found at peoplefinders Blog

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions. Thanks for sending in questions! I STILL HAVE A GROUP OF QUESTIONS AVAILABLE BUT THEY ARE FROM ABOUT FOUR PEOPLE SO SOME OF YOU MAY WANT TO ADD A QUESTION OR TWO! We can always use fresh questions.
December Questions were submitted by: BIRGIT, WINNIE, ABBY, MARJORIE and DI. picked 5 so DI gets a book choice!

Your turn to share:

1. Di asks: Since we are going into a new year - how about - what one time project do you hope to complete in 2013? It could be attending a class for a new skill, redo the kitchen, travel to a unique place to visit??

2. My Question: Which would you choose to review: A new to you author or favorite author??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining Valentine and "Love" books (5 left) or the new Christmas Giveaway Books. Also I have added the Updated ARC/Review List now.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, January 4, 2013 at 10 PM central.


  1. 1. I haven't really given this much thought, hmmm! I'd love to attend another pottery course which I haven't done in years and this is so much fun. Then I want to go out more and improve my photography skills too. And it'd be nice if I learned how to knit a cable sweater. Ok, by the looks of it my plan is to get crafty in 2013!

    2. Funny, but now that I think about it, I mostly review "new to me authors". Maybe I should find my way back to some more familiar authors too next year!

  2. 1) i haven't though about it but i think i would try to follow a programm to help with my health ( a excercise adapted and progressive) but i'ma fraid i'ms still too shy to dare and take contact ^^ but i will try

    2) i love review my favorite author when i get a new book from them but there are so many author i don't know and since i enter challenge i have to go outside my boundaries so i've reviewed a lot of new author to me^^ and some have become favorite so i planning to continue like that

    i didn't really got a surprise but i got a book and i'm happy

    happy new year

  3. 1. I have a list of archaeological sites and various other places to visit in Cyprus.

    2. I prefer to read books by my favorite authors, but I'll always read books by new ones, too. :)

  4. 1. I would love to have at least one completed polished manuscript.

    2. I think I would go more for the quality of the book rather than define it as fav author vs new author.

  5. 1. Well, as far as new projects go, I am attending a few cons in 2013 with some of my friends and we are going to group cosplay, so I guess I will be creating a costume or two.
    2. I like both, but I hate doing a review when a favorite author has disappointed me whereas I do not have that problem with a new to me author.

  6. I would review the new to me author. I may just find an author I like who I would have not known.

    email follower

  7. 1. As I mentioned in a post in my own blog, I intend to study more Spanish and French in order to get better at both, especially with grammar and vocabulary, in 2013 =]

    2. I like to review books by new and known-to-me authors. Both are challenging in their own ways.

    Thank you for the awesome giveaways always and for the reviews and all, and have a Happy New Year xD

  8. 1. travel
    2. new to me author

  9. 1. My to do list is organize. I'd also like to plan another cruise

    2. I'd do a combination of fave and new authors
    msboatgal at

  10. 1. I don't have any major plans for 2013 at all. I am hoping to just have another year that chugs along calmly.

    I did a major spring clean these past months & I have to tell you it's cathartic.

    2. I don't think I would like to review a favourite author. It just does not seem right. What if the book lets me down in some way. I'd feel dis-loyal. I'd have no such problem with a new to be author.

  11. Picking between old favorite authors and new authors to read and review I find difficult. I tend to do them in groups - like reading several review books, and then bouncing back to old favorites.

    In 2013, the one-time project I would really like to get done would to be get several more duck laying boxes in place.

  12. 1. I don't have any projects in mind for 2013.
    2. I'd choose a new author. (Intl)

  13. 1. I don't have anything planned yet.
    2. I would choose a new author.

  14. I'd like to actually get into my storage area in the basement and go through all the crates and totes there. I'd like to get rid of what I don't need or want.

    I'd pick the new Author.

    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  15. Which would you choose to review:
    A new to you author or favourite author??

    I have read over 60+ new authors this past yr of 2012 ! and written reviews at goodreads for most of them..
    amazing to me anyway :))
    some that have now been added to my 'fave authors' list! so it has worked both ways :) I happily review whatever I've read unless it was a dismal read that I'm unsure how to reveal my discomfort or disappointment..

  16. I love your choice to get those closets cleaned out! I know that to be successful at a clean out project I have to be in the right frame of mind or I just won't ride of as many things.

    1 - my one time project is to demolish & get rid of the old chicken coop shed in the backyard - it's been something I've been wanting to do but when Hurricane Sandy dropped a tree on it , it went higher on my 'to do' list. I just need some assistance cause I don't know what kind of varmints may be lurking inside.

    2 - I'd choose to review a new author - but I only think I could do a good review not a bad one.

  17. I would like to take some cooking classes and sewing classes. Both things I could greatly improve on :)

    I love to write reviews, but lately I've held off on them just for the fact I spend so much time writing down my thoughts and feelings and it takes away from my reading time. As of now, I just write reviews for an author I follow and if the book is part of a series

  18. 1. A project that I'd like to do in 2013 is the mass re-organization of my books because I've gotten lazy in the last while and my books are piling up kind of randomly now, lol...

    2. If I were to write reviews regularly, I would like to review both new-to-me and favourite authors. Your plan sounds good, Martha! However, if you were to ask me whether I would request to review new-to-me or favourite author books, then I would mostly choose new-to-me authors since I would buy the books of favourite authors to enjoy anyway.

  19. 1. Is learning how to drive considered one time? Or at least I hope so. That would be my answer. Also, I am reorganizing my book boxes.

    2. Err...I'd just say both. I usually review faves (in a way) since I JUST got my first new-to-me author review! So I usually just review books I already have and they are usually faves. But am okay with both really.

  20. 1. I would love to go on a family vacation. It is so long overdue!

    2. As of now I am not a reviewer and rate books on Goodreads/Fictfact along with a few thoughts. I have thought about starting a blog but know sure if I would have the time to devote to it if I ever find a full time job again. However if I did I would say either would be fine but I would probably be less partial to new authors than those that I already love so much.


Your comments are always appreciated!