
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sharing Beyond Books #76 Comment Giveaway November 24, 2012

Hello and Welcome to another SBB!

Happy Saturday Night. I hope everyone had a great week and those who celebrated Thanksgiving had a great day and couple days off. We had a lovely Thanksgiving at our house with daughter and her family and another nice visit today at their house helping them trim their tree. I have tried to rest up the last few days and I do feel better, though still not quite 100%.

Thank you to all who shared last week.

The answers were fun -- Although many of us are tempted by hobbies or sports we read about, few of us actually do try.  Several people did acknowledge that they tried cooking or baking after reading about recipes in books. :-) There were a couple of brave souls, like Linda Kwolek who would try if she had items handy, or Monica, who might actually try a sport or playing music after being inspired by reading.

This was another week of lots of thankfulness - again mostly family, friends, pets and health.A couple of you shared nice comments about traditions that you enjoy, like Jane putting the tree up right after Thanksgiving.


The Winner from SBB #75 comments is: #13 Natasha There are still 5 'love' books to pick from and new Christmas choices. Natasha please choose a book (or GC if international) from the remaining five Love Books List for Giveaway, the new Christmas Giveaway Book list, OR pick from the Updated ARC/Review List and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #76 Questions

Q1. Margaret asks: Do you prefer a large paperback or a small paperback??
I'm not sure if Margaret means trade size books as larger paperback or means larger in page numbers. I don't think I have a preference between Trade size books or 'mass' market size although I guess a mass market size fits into my purse easier.  As to page length -- my favorite size is 300 to 375 although shorter books are nice for a quick read. I think twice before I pick up a book over 400 pages as I know it will take longer which impacts my weekly scheduling. So I know I have missed some good books that are long. ;-0 Sometimes I will listen to longer books which is what I did with the Harry Potter series. 
Image found at Curiosity Quills

Q2. My question this week: Did you do any BLACK FRIDAY shopping and if so how early did you go out??
A: I didn't originally plan to shop on Friday, except online. However my DH and I found some items at a local liquidator shop and the owner said she would be having a sale and would give us a discount on Friday. So we went out at 9:30 Friday morning to shop there and stopped in at Goodwill to look for a flannel jacket for my DH as one of his was wearing thin. I was glad we stopped as they had a discount on Audio books and I picked up some for my grandchildren and a couple for me! Fortunately, for us, there were no big crowds at either store.
Image found at Kool.cbslocal

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask. Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I draw from the suggestions I used during the month and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions.    Thanks for sending in questions! We can always use fresh questions.

Your turn to share:

1. Margaret asks: Do you prefer a large paperback or a small paperback??

2. My question this week: Did you do any BLACK FRIDAY shopping and if so how early did you go out??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining Valentine and "Love" books (5 left) or the new Christmas Giveaway Books. Also I have added the Updated ARC/Review List now.

SBB Rules:
a) Must be a follower.
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, November 30, 2012 at 10 PM central.


  1. 1) i don't mind the size of the aperback i just want all the series to be same i don't like when it's paperback then suddenly one hardback then paperback etc . i like homogeny in teh size of each series

    2) we don't have a black friday in my country but i don't think i would go if we had seems dangerous and too exshauting in comparaison with what we could get

    thank you a lot!

    all the best

  2. 1. Regarding pages, I'll read any length of book...and I prefer the smaller size book to read, especially at the beach or swimming pool.

    2. I didn't shop on Black Friday.

  3. 1. Size-wise I say the smaller ones, after all it's the same content, but the books don't take up so much space.

    2. I went a little overboard online shopping on Etsy, but didn't hit the stores. Then again, we don't have a Black Friday here in Austria. ;-)

  4. I prefer small paperbacks.
    I admit to not being able to resist some of the booksales! (International)

  5. 1. I like a book around 300-350 with short chapters.

    2. We didn't go near stores on Black Friday - I did however get a lot of shopping done online

    msboatgal at

  6. 1. Margaret asks: Do you prefer a large paperback or a small paperback??

    I prefer trade sizes paperback - although the mass market ones are so small that they fit better in a purse or something, these smaller ones that I prefer are those of Sookie Stackhouse series, the rest I do prefer the bigger ones, especially because of the spacing between the letters ^^

    And regarding the length, I prefer those trade market sized with about 300 - 350 pages - the longer books with small letters make me cringe, lol, but if the story is cool, of course I'll read a bigger book =]

    Now I am reading the Brazilian edition of The Scorpio Races, which has 377 pages, but since the chapters are short, and the letters are not small and the story is awesome, I am reading it very fast ^^

  7. 1. The size of a book does not matter so much. As to number of pages, if I love a book, the longer the better. I've just finished reading the first 5 books in the series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE by George RR Martin. They were all at least 1000 pages.

    2. There is no Black Friday shopping in Australia. Our equivalent would be the Boxing Day sales. Madness!!

  8. The more pages to the book, the bigger the book because I find it easier to hold (small ones are thick for my hands to hold for a good hour-long read).

    This Black Friday we actually braved the world and went to dinner and a movie. It was great - festive atmosphere without the contact-sports shopping.

  9. The older I get, the more I prefer the trade-sized paperbacks. And, I have no problem slipping them into the side of my purse. They are less bulky.

    As far as Black Friday, sadly, I am stuck at home recuperating from surgery. No shopping for me. But, no spending money either.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  10. 1. I like the large paperbacks best because they usually have bigger words which is easier to read.

    2. I did get some Black Friday shopping in this year!

  11. I prefer the mass market books for most of my books. I like the thicker, more pages type of books and tend to stay away from most of the harlequin just because I like more pages. If I am reading YA, I really only have a choice between hardback and the trade paperback size, so my YA's are mostly Trade paperbacks

    I did do some black friday shopping, but my mom was really tired and I really don't like doing mad shopping like that without a buddy :) We hit the stores a little later in the morning

    Jolene A

  12. 1. In terms of book size, I prefer mass market paperbacks over trade paperbacks and the main reasons are 1) most romance books are in mmpb and I like my books to match and 2) mmpb are cheaper to buy.

    2. Although we do have some Black Friday sales in Canada (definitely influenced by the US), I didn't do any shopping because I was really busy during that time.

  13. Depends on what the other books in that series I have. If they are large, I prefer to get all in large and vice versa.

    Nope since we don't have it in my country. Wish we did though. Sounds fun!

  14. 1. Honestly I prefer my Kindle but I have been reading a lot off of my shelf lately instead of spending money and I I would say I prefer the smaller paperbacks for ease of holding but the larger books for my eyes because I get migraines easily. (Yeah, just ignore my answer when you are putting your post together Martha)

    2. Nope...I stay safely inside on Black Friday and decorate my house. I do not have the patience for the crowds.

  15. 1. I prefer mass market.
    2. We don't have Black Friday but if we did I wouldn't have gone; I hate big crowds.

  16. 1. I prefer a large paperback

    2. I did some early in the week specials part of BLACK FRIDAY shopping but 0 on the chaotic day itself :))

  17. I prefer either one. As lo0ng as I love the story inside the covers. :)

    No Black Friday shopping in the stores for me anymore. But I did some shopping online.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  18. 1) I don't mind the size or length of the paperback!
    2) Yes, my spouse and I went shopping for clothes at 7am - it wasn't crowded in the morning. We left by lunchtime! :)

    jswaks at gmail dot com


Your comments are always appreciated!